Jun 10, 2006 22:02
So today was my first full 9 hour shift at walmart. It was not exactly fun. First of all some angry biotch thru her groceries at my face and stomped out when one of the prices didn't ring right. Then, after that nothing was ringing right and the check thing broke so my money was off in my drawer and I will get written up tomorrow. Then the managers forgot about my break and that I was supposed to leave at seven, and since I was ringing Customers like a mad whore I didn't realize either, so my 9 hour day turned into a 10 hour day, finally...they didn't give me off all of the days of TLC so I have to go in and bitch about that tomorrow, cuz I AM going I don't care what they say!...sheesh. On the flip side I checked out some beautiful eye candy and got a phone number...and saw some of my great friends from HS. I also had an excellent sub for lunch. So, my entire day was taken up by walmart, now I am tired and crabby. Thanks for listening to the wally world rant!