Jun 08, 2006 13:19
So, I have started at wally wold in Muktown as a cashier, it's not exactly the most glorious job but It's money and It's been pretty cool so far. I have seen lots of my friends from HS and I love that...I miss them so much!! I get pretty bored at home, there isn't much to do, and I dont have money yet to be going anywhere. So, Tuschy has been comin over at least twice a week to keep me entertained :) but he will be in Texas for the next five days :( soo I will be even more bored, I work a lot nest week though so it will pass the time. As soon as I get paid I want to go out to the Sha and chill with all my fav peeps out there. Plus, I need to schedule a Trip to Madison to see all of my lovely friends out there too!!! I am excited for TLC so I can hang out with Becky, Brooke, and EPriceDawger!! I am also excited for summer retreat so I can see everyone else!!! Also, Summerfest is coming-w00t!! I heart music!! We aren't moving if anyone didn't know- so that is good!! I think that's all that's new!! Bye :)