Jack/Nathan--recs- W , X , Y and Z lists

Oct 21, 2013 15:45

W , X , Y and Z lists

Want U 2 B Mine by serene_quill -PG -Word Count: 1.000
Summary: Mysterious gifts drive Nathan crazy on a day that already has him on edge.

What He Sees by clarkoholic -PG- Word Count: 941
Summary: Day in and day out, as the townspeople came and went, Vincent observed and he began to really see them.

Whatever Helps Us Sleep At Night by kmoaton- Word Count: 13,663
Summary:Jack's flirtation doesn't go unnoticed. Stark refuses to admit that his feelings resemble anything like jealousy

When you Say Nothing At all by Andromeda05-PG-Word Count: 856
Summary: A part of him was aching at the thought of not being able to hear her suddenly talk a mile a minute. He didn’t realize until he couldn’t hear her voice how much he loved the sound of it. Waking up to it in the mornings when she was driving her father crazy, the goodnight she wished them both before going to bed. The sound of her begging her father to go out on a date, for a tattoo, and other assorted things teenagers wanted.

Working It Out by enigmaticblue- R-Word Count: over a 3.000
Summary: Jack and Nathan head to the gym. A little competition is healthy, right?

w y and z lists x, jack/nathan

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