Ok, the most gracious
dullemarulle has updated with caps from the 'A Day in the Life of' special.
After moments of very embarrassing squeeing, I am able to scrutinise these photos a little closer.
And this is just downright
I mean....what? It's so perfect! Jaredina!
Also, lets have a close look at this wall of shame (courtesy of
dullemarulle )
Who are all these people (red arrows). Are some of them the boys in drag?
Is that one Jared as Jared and Jensen in drag?
If so? Wow this just opens up a whooooole new world of possibilites RPS-wise :D.
And of course there had to be one that made my heart melt:
While this inspires oh so many, many hotwrongdirty thoughts.
Jensen diving for Jared's lap and Jared looking...well...orgasmic.
Another lap pic:
(Thanks again to the lovely
dullemarulle for providing us with these caps)