FINALLY back from the Asylum Con. I'm not gonna complain about the horrendous organisation, lots of people have already made wonderfully articulate posts about the insanity and chaos that we were made to live through (some people sleeping in the hallways from 2am for the next morning's queue!!)
I'm sure this has all been posted somewhere already, but here goes:
- MISHA!!!! The man nearly made me pee my pants. He is absolutely stunning and so hilarious. He addressed the slash fans in both of his panels. Talked about big gay sex between Dean and Castiel (called us 'sick' because Cas is a pure, innocent angel), and he asked about J2's cock size. Said he doesn't understand why we just don't watch gay porn instead of going through all of the effort of writing/reading it.
Also he smells good and was really chatty at the autograph table. He further admitted to being a secret fangirl. He actually answered some questions seriously, including those about his time in Tibet and his internship at the White House (he and Michelle Obama had a thing going on ;))
On Saturday he established that SPN fangirls were easy, but by Sunday, since we were all still fully clothed, he changed his mind.
- J2: Just like Misha, sooooo much prettier in real life. OMG. Jensen looks too young to play Dean and Jared is just all lean and of course incredibly tall. Several con goers I met independently of each other told me that Jensen has the most beautiful eyes they've ever seen. 'Tis true. Still, I think Jared may be just a teensy bit more gorgeous, although Jensen is prettier, if that makes any sense. And you guys know how Jared's face is slowly been getting broader each season? In rl, Jensen is broader, Jared's face is all narrow and long. He looked lovely with the longer hair.
My sister and I were both lucky enough to briefly talk to both of the boys.
Also Jared playfully and very briefly addressed wincest during his stage talk.
- Jared was mistakenly told by a con goer that Jensen wants 'to do a cowboy'... Jared's look and laugh in response to this were hilarious.
- J2 both bawled their eyes out while watching Marley and Me.
- J2 rescued an old woman who fell down while attending a wedding in the Birmingham area.
There was just so much going on and I hardly slept or ate for three days, so everything is a bit jumbled in my mind. We have audio and notes of all the panels, so I'll have to sift through them.
Jensen reportedly fainted during Saturday's autograph session and poor baby did look completely wrung out by the end of the weekend.
All the other guests were lovely as well. Matt Cohen is freakin' gorgeous, so is Malik (and soo funny). Gabe was a sweetheart and Richard and Fredric were really entertaining.
Hopefully I'll finally be able to answer comments now and catch up with my flist. *hugs all*