Apr 21, 2009 20:12

American Idol flisters? Is it wrong to imagine his awesomeness Adam introducing Kris to the joys of gay love behind the scenes?

And because my boyfriend knows what I like he just sent me this link for best gay scenes in movies (there is even a silent movie from 1907)

Pining away for new Merlin eps, I've decided to make a list of all the realistic and not-so-realistic things I'd like to see in season two:

◘ Merlin in a black hooded cape

◘ Evil!Merlin for one episode (possibly wearing said cape)

◘ Arthur and Merlin getting stranded (just the two of them) in a forest or cave.

◘ Arthur and Merlin (Gwen and Morgana can come along) visiting a foreign court.

◘ Merlin bathing Arthur

◘ Arthur getting really protective of Merlin

◘ Merlin wearing a new outfit

◘ Flashbacks featuring young Uther, Ygraine and Gaius

◘ A purely comedic episode...with lots of Arthur and Merlin smiling and some ridiculous mystical beast (well more ridiculous than usual)

◘ Arthur temporarily agreeing with Uther's stance on magic just as Merlin gets exposed

◘ Angst, angst, angst!

◘ More about Arthur's birth

◘ Jousting! (looks like we're getting this one)

◘ Feast of Fools episode

◘ Arthur teaching Merlin a skill, eg chess

◘ Merlin teaching Arthur a skill, eg giving blowjobs

◘ The boys skinny-dipping.

◘ Longing, eye-fucking, kissing, fucking...all between Merlin and Arthur naturally.


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