big issue! buy my loverly big issue!

Sep 01, 2004 10:14

yeep! the third housemate has had her landlord reference refused, which means that we have to reapply all over again. bitch of a landlady. no, really, she's saying, amongst other things that the cigarette hole in the lino, sustained from a party, is the direct and unalterable fault of this girl, and, despite the fact we haven't made good on the damage yet, because they haven't moved out yet (and that's what a goddamn deposit is for) it is up there with criminal damage. like, wtf? ok, so she has always been late with the rent, which is an issue, but between myself and the other lass, we ought to be able to cover the first six months rent anyway, which will be our last ditch attempt to get this bloody flat. but, given that we have, en masse, been rejected, we now have to reapply, which means dealing with my bank, who are, frankly, useless. *growls*

so, having been given keys, and painted one room, and bought a gorgeous little capsicum plant, we might yet be homeless. great. and here's me with stabililty issues, one with stress issues, and the other with, now lets see, personal health problems, her mother's serious health problems, a divorce waiting to come through and imminent bankruptcy. oh, and redundancy. and vast, black, filthy debts.

at some point, the shit is really going to hit the fan, but for now there is hope that this will get itself sorted out.
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