Sep 13, 2004 06:41
To those particular three who were offended by my last entry.. I'm sorry and it was not my intention to offend you at all. This was a personal opinion, and a story of how my dad always would tell me things in his own crazy dad way, to try to make me feel better when I would be picked on back in the day.
Ironically, every person I've had a negative encounter with has been overweight. That was all I was pointing out. Those of you who were offended took it out of context. Take it up with my dad, he'll argue with you...he's the one who came up with this in the first place (as a means of explaining why I was picked on when I was younger to make me feel better). He won't give a shit if you're offended or not. He lacks a conscience and would not be patient enough to apologize, as I am doing now.
Claire, I'm hurt/annoyed you'd comment on something that has nothing to do with you. You agree what I wrote is "mean" while at the same time you can go mock the 9/11 incidents...AGAIN, two years in a row, no 3 if I think about it. Now THAT is offensive to me. Even if you hid the picture behind a lj cut. That's not the point. Being disrepectful to the thousands of people who lost their lives is "mean" in my opinion. Not only mean, but insensitive.
Your idea of being "mean" is obviously a lot different than mine.
I've removed the three of you from my friend's list, as you obviously become offended too easily and can't handle my journal. I don't want to end up offending you again sometime down the road.
Again, I'm truely sorry to have offended anyone. My entry was not a personal attack against you, and I'm sorry it was taken that way. It was an opinion. No, you're not supposed to agree with it. I don't expect you to. But let it go. It's me venting. VENTING my thoughts and feelings. I really don't feel I said anything out of context. I didn't say "damn all overweight people" I said "damn every overweight person whose had the nerve to make me feel like shit" sorry if you're so insecure. Unless you've picked on me, you shouldn't have found offense to that entry.
I think I've said what I had to say.