Oct 26, 2006 13:01
it's such a gloomy day out. i just wanted to stay in bed the whole day...that didn't feel like 7.5 hours of sleep.
on the bus today, all the cool music majors that live in champaign (becks, zack, sara maletta, and me) were on the 22 to get to our 8 ams. we saw this girl in a white dress with makeup slowly traveling down her face, and her hair was a complete mess. BUSRIDE OF SHAME! she looked like she was trying to play it really cool. why couldn't she just borrow the guy's hoodie or something? oh well.
so every time i eat lunch at busey now (which is becoming more frequent since it's so convenient), i get a cup of coffee to take out with me. this is a bad, bad habit that i must stop right now. i can't cave in. i will not be addicted to caffeiene before age thirty. i will not be like jim guest who takes four shots of straight espresso in the morning and then has a monster energy drink later in the day with his lunch.
no studio stuff this week, which means less practicing on my part, which isn't good, since i solo in studio next week. my chops have got to be ready.
i'm starting to work on marking time and such. it's hard when you haven't been doing it for four years. oh well. just gotta keep going at it.
first official basketball band gig on friday! and anne's coming this weekend! and laura's birthday is this weekend! and kurtis is re-celebrating his 21st birthday, because everything after 21 apparently sucks. oh well. whatever it takes for him to have fun.
allright, lunchtime's over. time to hit the practice room again. three hours today!
i didn't know that this week was national break-up week. everyone's doing it, for some reason.