It looks like the sky has finally cleared up a little. I must admit I was really worried we'd never see sunlight again. Now that it's better, I was hoping I could get to do all the things I've been putting off. Like seeing Chocobos! Or perhaps seeing a certain someone in a bunny costume!
[ giggling ]
Do any of you have plans now that things are looking a little better? I think we should all try and do something lighthearted while the opportunity is there!
[ a worried pause ]
Nunnally, is everything all right? I know this all might be a little strange, but I want you to feel comfortable here. If there's anything you need feel free to ask.
After visiting Ryou, I now suddenly have a penchant for more tea. Does anyone know where I can go about finding some tea leaves or anything close to it? I'd like to try and keep a small stock so that I can start drinking it a bit more. Of course this also means that anyone who wants to have tea with me is welcome to join me should I find any. I love company.
Also, sometime tomorrow I intend to make a routine stop by the police station. Just putting that out there in case anyone is curious of my whereabouts tomorrow. To those of you at the hospital, I do hope you get out soon. That goes for you Rolo and Kallen.
[ ON NETWORK | TEXT | {Locked to Self/90.9% UNHACKABLE} ]
So this is what she meant by "second chance" ...
( ooc; argh... i lied. semi-hiatus at most. god i hate you all ... not really. )