Nov 08, 2006 10:48
Why did proposal 2 pass? Are people that damn stupid? It wasn't just about affirmative action, it is also about banning things such as cervicle cancer vaccines for women just because they're for women only (but I'm sure if it were for prostate cancer it would be ok because MEN RULLE THE FUCKING WORLD!!!!) I hate America.
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OUM Shameless Radio Ad: Proposal 2 Would Prevent a Cure for Cancer.
Yes. That's right. A Yes vote for Proposal 2, the Michigan Civil Rights Initiative (MCRI), would prevent Michiganders from curing cancer, according to the latest One United Michigan (OUM) radio ad first heard on WJR 760 this morning as an ad airing during a debate between Debbie Dingell and Jennifer Gratz. The ad was interesting contrast to the debate, as Gratz noted the scare tactics employed by opponents of Proposal 2, and roundly punished Dingell with better-preparation in several areas, including catching Dingell unaware of her own Committee's campaign finance violations when Dingell tried to allege that MCRI didn't report the source of its money. Dingell accused Gratz of "lying" about OUM campaign finances, and Gratz produced the campaign finance fine letter which Beckmann verified. Dingell's initial certainty of that OUM had revealed every penny was replaced by an apology and statement that the 3 month delay this spring in failing to report hundreds of thousands of dollars was wrong and shouldn't have happened.
Regardless, the ad begins with a blanket appeal to anyone - "If you could cure cancer, would you?" Then it parlays that into the fine-tuned point that one cancer - cervical cancer - has already been cured with a vaccine, and that Proposal 2 would prevent such programs from being implemented in Michigan because they only help women, reiterating the risk of lawsuit argument from previous simpler scare ads.
Of course, its all grossly untrue. MCRI only impacts public hiring, public contracting, and public education. With public health not in the initiative, and with a second firewall exception protecting policies based on "bona fide" physical differences among the sexes, MCRI could not affect cancer treatments even if they treated men and women differently. That experience is born-out in California - breast cancer screenings still occur and governmental programs can still target them.
So now the lore includes the wild and fantastic - MCRI is worse than Katrina and 9/11, it will prevent the cure for cancer, and its supporters are dirty, rotten liars and cheats who engineered one of the most vast (spanning 150,000 people) and unimaginable systematic frauds in the history of mankind. OUM and By Any Means Necessary is saying Michiganders are so stupid they can't read and understand the language themselves, and it should be no surprise that these arguments require a similar level of gullibilty to be believed. The elites just can't accept that the average person might be able to reason some things for themselves.
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