Aug 20, 2007 09:12
Okay, so I am actually moderately excited about my classes. All literature courses. A Shakespeare course, creative writing course, russian literature course, a medeival monsters literature course where we are pretty much just focusing on Beowulf, and a literature of the US post 1860. I will be busy, however. Very busy. I'll be reading a new play by Shakespeare practically every week (beginning today with "Taming of the Shrew") and continuing with 8 others following that.
The worst part of this semster is just going to be my schedule conflictions with Gary's. We will be apart all day, which I am not used to yet. We'll both leave the house super early in the morning, he'll be at work until 3 (when I'll be going back to work) and I won't get off until atleast 6. On Wednesdays I have a night class from 6:05 to 9, and he may have night classes, too.
This semester is going to be so damn hard...and when he starts his usual work schedule we will lose Saturday mornings and early afternoons (and therefore late Friday nights). Weekends are going to suck, because we'll never be able to go out of town or party like we said we would this semester.
I'm being forced to grow up faster than I want to and yet not fast enough.