Seeing as how my free time has sky-rocketed.. -_-
I've been more inclined to "create." But seeing as how i never finish things, my art table is covered in uncompleted art pieces. So.. I'm going to finish one. And i'm posting my WIP pics here. For I have nothing better to do.
Let's give a bit of background to what i'm drawing at the moment.
Me - Game Nerd
Game of the Week - Tekken 5
Character - Asuka
Size - 22x30 (in)
Yeah, her costume rocks ass. I want to draw her. So I Will!! haha..
Here's my basic sketch. Many things will change.. but this is just the beginning.. yay!
She's horribly plain at the moment. But i'll fix that. I need a model for the cloth. hmm. And yes.. no face. Thats what i'm about to go work on here in a minute.. cheers!