look hun i wrote fic!

Nov 08, 2008 20:04

Alright here it is Clo. It went from being borderline creepy to cheesy but I hope you like it. xD

dreams keep the monsters at bay
what's there to keep the nightmares away?

- - -

She paints in the dark.

She sits there, in the dimness of shadow, dipping her brush into hues of scarlet red and shades of peach. She whispers to herself, inaudible words that she wants to hear, thinks she should be hearing, but when she goes closer the words aren’t whispered anymore. She talks to herself, and it’s just a little scary, and more than just a little sad. She’s not crazy, she knows that. She’s just lonely.

Kairi stands there in the doorway, twisting her hands and brushing her fingers against an old seashell necklace. She bites her lip, blue eyes hesitant and worried and scared, but she doesn’t move closer. She knows that when she does Naminé will quiet and soothe, and Kairi is more than a little envious of her serenity. She doesn’t think that people who have nightmares that keep them up every night should be this calm.

Instead of all that though, she thinks about walking over to the girl, draping one arm around her chest, and giving her a kiss. One kiss, short, sweet, and soft. Kairi pushes that thought away though, and wonders when she became so romantic, so undecidedly cheesy that she gags. Still, that doesn’t stop her from walking over to the girl and doing just that.

Naminé, just as Kairi predicted, stops with her whispers and slows her movements. Her hand drops away from the painting, brush dripping red paint onto the floor. Kairi sighs behind her, presses one kiss against that far too lovely blonde hair and skims fingers down the other girl’s shoulders. She asks, even though she doesn’t think she’ll ever get an answer, what Naminé is painting.


Kairi blinks, once, twice and looks away from Naminé’s hair. She tilts her head as her eyes trace the painting, glancing down the streaks of red and along the fine outlines of black, over hues of sun-kissed skin. She purses her lips and has the urge to reach out and smudge the painting, just a little.

“It’s too pretty to be me.”

“I think it’s perfect.”

Naminé looks up at her, a secretive twinkle in her eyes as she says softly, “I draw you every night. It keeps the nightmares at bay.”

Kairi steps away from her and walks to the painting, staring at it just a little closer, feeling something between unnerve, flattery, and sadness at Naminé’s words.


Naminé’s eyes seem to glow, light blue and unaffected by the anxiety Kairi thinks she should be feeling.

“You’re my light.”

fanfic, kairi/naminé

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