"Are There No More Heroes"

May 31, 2008 02:14

Firstly, please vote on the previous application and place a link here:

Name: Felicia
Age: 19, but I can usually only get along with people at least 5 years or more older than I am.
Location: the middle of nowhere
Hobbies/Interests: reading and writing, gaining more useless knowledge and random information, playing with cat Edgar, and watching old movies
Strengths: wit, sympathy, the ability to randomly interject with odd comments
Weaknesses: aniexty, hypochondria, claustrophobia
Words To Describe Yourself: crazy, shy, loving, argumenitive yet suprisingly laid back
Which gender do you wish to be stamped as?: as lacking the Y chromosome
Picture (reduce to a thumbnail or URL): http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=30828585&op=2&o=user&view=user&subj=41115898&id=41115898

Love or Passion: Passion, for everything.
Hate or Honour: Honour, mostly because I can't hold a grudge to save my life
Life or Death: Death, simply because of all the interesting little details that go into it biological and culturally.
Rule or Be Ruled: Rule, I prefer to be more take charge. I'm usually asked the questions so what not take the reigns.
Steal or Give: Steal...and then give to the poor, haha

If you saw a damsel in distress what you do and why?: Probably tell her there is no prince charming and then shout some advice.
If you had one wish to change your life, what would it be and why?: To be healthier.
If you had the chance to kill a god/goddess to save yourself what would you do and why?: Probably just strip them of their immortality, thus making them human and placing them on a timeline to die. This way yes, technically I've just killed them, yet they still get to live a life. Plus, I don't get blood stains on my toga.
Having the chance to be a god/dess for one day, what would your powers, strengths and weaknesses (and even outfit) be and why?: I'd want the ability to well...inspire people to think existentially, to have their own opinions but earn to be more accepting the fact that not everyone must agree with them. I'd probably just wear a more stylish version of my everyday clothes, a loose short skirt and a cute t-shirt. I'd want to blend in but appear slightly more etheral. My only weakness would be cute gods...especially ones that look like my boyfriend, tall, blonde, and blue-eyed. *sigh*

Out of all the God's and Goddess' who would you take orders from, and why?: None, I would just do my own thing and let them get wrapped up in their own drama and battles. I'm a bit of a loner except for a couple of close friends.
You've been captured by the mighty Hera, and she chooses to keep you alive only if you kill your loved one; what would you do?: Challege her to a battle of wits!

Do you like Monsters/Creatures?: oh yes, yes yes. I love that there are such vivid creations.
Would you battle one to save a friend?: Depends...can it be rationalized with first and did my friend do something stupid to cause said monster or creature to harm him/her.
What type of Monsters/Creatures do you prefer?: Griffen, satyr, Mermaids, vampires, phoenix, faeries, etc.

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