Jun 09, 2011 02:50
I HAVE COMfort in the feeling that no body is going to read this.
its here.
availible for anybody to read
yet no one is going to read it.
there . she goes. with the pieces of my heart.
what do they call it?
free writing. or.. random writing something.
where you just let go
and write shit down and the scribbles end up saying something fucked up
. well here goes .
i dont know if i have forgiven myself.
even if the questiion is whether i have to forgive myself?
i often take blame for things other people have done.
the windows. the.. nick beckr situation.
you know what im talking about.
i didnt do that. I DIDNT DO THAT. i didnt ahve a golf club in my hand.
but somehow, my words have power.
listen to me gossip IS THE MOST DESTRUCTIVE FORCE IN THE UNIVERSE. and whether i learned that from a jimmy johns waell or not i dont care because its true. its fucking true.
and if. i can. quit gossiping adn never GOSSIP AGAIN. i think that. then i will reach. my own . personal zen.
it comes so easy to peoplel ike tYLER GATTIS KASEY SHORT. the boys i grew up. the boys that have taught me and nurtured me through life. i owe you my life and i lvoe you.