Nerd core!!

May 19, 2009 01:55


When I found out, I almost fell over. B in the course overall. I admit that I did want an A in the course, but hell... I'll take a B!! Now that I understand what's going on, I should be able to collect an A for organic II, which starts in a week and a half for the summer session. Pondering taking genetics during the summer as well, but I'll have to see. Final grades are the same as the midterm grades I previously wrote about. [EDIT: 5.21.09- Grade for organic I course is *B+* and not B. Grade for the lab is *A+*. The final grades were just posted today.]

Studying for that final, I spent four of my hours awake NOT studying. Like this: up at 8:30-9:00am then spend first hour doing "nothing" (breakfast, shower, etc.) then sit at desk for 2-3 hours then walk around for 5-10 minutes then sit for another 2-3 hours then at some point after more studying a 2 hour break which entails a trip to the gym then more studying and then a break to not go crazy and then more studying then hour break for dinner and shower and more studying and then bed around midnight. I seriously deserve a damn cookie for that!

To the dudes at the gym starting at me while their back is to me: It is a MIRROR: if you can see ME, then I can see YOU. Also, they're sunglasses. Just because you can't see my eyes, doesn't mean I can't see you starting at me.

I went to see the King Tut exhibit Sunday morning before it left town. Our entry was for 1:30 am. Now, what I'm wondering is if women (Jamie, you're the exception) turn into idiots once they become pregnant. Ok, seriously, I'd like to know why it seemed like a good idea to bring infants, toddlers, and rambunctions runts to an event like that. And then running over me with a damned stroller. And then letting their spawn cough and sneeze without covering their mouth and then not cleaning the snot off their faces and hands. Then proceed to say they don't understand why they're causing such a ruckus because they're just tired and bored. My issue's not with the kids because they don't know any better, but the parents do. I'd seriously propose a government mandated birth control plan if all the conservatives and overly religious Bible thumpers wouldn't freak out and start damning me to hell.

Blah. I'm all over the place with "stuff" going on, yet seem to have "nothing" to write about. Or nothing that I really want to write about. I suppose that's a good thing because I'm drama free. Or I'm just so laid back that potential drama situations don't become energy/mental/emotional black holes. I don't stress about anything, I've noticed.

I'm cool... like the other side of the pillow.
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