Ok... What to say. I didn't hate it and I absolutely loathed the fifth one, so my expectations weren't high. I don't know... I'm just not under its spell anymore. Maybe it's because Sirius is gone, and I loved him more than all other characters combined. But I don't even think that's it. It's just a shift in tone that doesn't work for me, and I can't even put my finger on it. I was shocked that Snape actually killed Dumbledore. I thought Snape was going to be the one to die because of his Unbreakable Vow. I sort of assumed that this was not the first UV Snape has taken, and that he realised he was painting himself into a corner with it, but knew the price of being a double agent. So yeah, I actually believed that he was going to kick it for most of the book. He's my second favourite character, so I'm not particularly fond of this turn of events with him being evil or whatever he is.
Really, I think it all comes down to the fact that I want Sirius back so baddly that it hurts, and everything bores me a little bit because he's not there. We aren't getting any Maurauders backstory, which is my favourite thing, learning about Harry's parents' generation. And she said that we would learn why Sirius had to die, and dammit I need to know. And, they are sort of hurting my very shippy beliefs concerning Remus and Sirius' relationship. They were my first, you know. My OTP. The One True Way. Don't spoil that for me, JKR.