I'm back!

Jun 26, 2003 01:43

Spent the last week on vacation, now I'm back.

The first couple days went quick with last minute preparations for my brother Michael's wedding.
Spent 8 hours the day after the wedding recouping in my favorite lawn chair on the front porch!
The next day was spent in my sister's pool.
The last 2 days were spent at a cabin at Rough River, KY with lots of fishing, boating and drinking.
Now my hair is a couple shades lighter and my skin a couple shades darker.

I had fun at the wedding. Mainly because I messed with my no-sense-of-humor mother.
She was in a foul mood because my niece Jessica skipped the wedding to go to Myrtle Beach with a friend of hers.
Apparently, Mommie Dearest had arranged with the Photographer to take a family portrait so she wanted everyone there.
Nobody else cared that Jess skipped the wedding, not even Michael and Paige (my new sister-in-law).
Anyway, I jumped on the opportunity. I took a photo of Jess, blew it up and printed it life-size.
I then mounted it, took it to the wedding and hid it from Mom in the men's bathroom til just the right time.
I think my Dad was giving bathroom tours showing everyone Jess!
As everyone was collecting for the photo, I told them 'hold on, someone's missing', and I ran and got Cardboard Jess.
When I walked up to the group carrying Cardboard Jess, everyone was laughing except Mother.
I turned to the photographer and asked 'where do you want Jess' as I was wedging Cardboard Jess and myself beside Mom.
By this time, my mother was shooting daggers at me with her eyes and with klinched teeth I was being told to 'get that thing out of here'.
The photographer was a real sport and agreed to take a photo with and one without Cardboard Jess.

At the reception, Michael danced a solo with Cardboard Jess. She also led the group dancing to 'Locomotive'

By the end of the night my mother had found a sense of humor (must have stolen it from someone else) and all had a good laugh with Cardboard Jess.

Here I am with my favorite niece!
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