Title: The Rest of My Life
eunkiPairing: SHINee Jonghyun/Key (JongKey) with slight Onew/Teamin (OnTae)
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Romance! Name it ;)
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Only the plot is mine, not the characters.
Summary: Kibum is leaving but Jonghyun seems to not care.A/N: Oh this is some sort of a repost because I felt like I have to change
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“and I hate it also when you act like you don’t know that you mean everything to me.”
“She may love me the way you do, but I’ll never love her the way I love you.”
"Key faced Jonghyun in the mirror and asked him. “What do you see?”
Jonghyun smiled and said “The rest of my life.”
I could go on quoting this whole fic, but I won't cuz I don't want to take up too much space. ^^"
but omg. The cheesiness just makes this fic so precious. ♥
and incest. lol. it was kind of weird to me at first, but this is definitely, like what the person before me said, unique. (:
I liked it, good job! ^^
ty for sharing. :3
Thank you so much for finding it unique and for liking it...
I love you so much for this wonderful comment...I feel so inspired with this... :) <3<3<3
and oh, I'm glad you feel inspired. Now you're gonna write more fics, yes? 8D ♥
I'm expecting that from my self to write more...
but it's just that I'm avery busy college student who rarely have time to write. But I've got a lot of random stories entering my mind but i just can't write them...hehehehe.! X)
I'll do my best!!!!
I'm pretty busy myself, and I have a lot of ideas I need to write about too, but just never have time.
So I feel your pain. @.@
I'll be looking out for your fics? ^^ ♥
Okay! The next fic I'm going to write will be dedicated to you... x)
I promise! I'm starting to think of a story...
It will be posted soon...hehehehe
<3 <3 <3
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