Title: The Lost Angel (1B/2)
Pairing: HaeHyuk
Genre: Fantasy, AU, Romance
Rating: PG-13
Summary: At sixteen, Hyukjae's life turns upside down when he begins to attract the attention of deadly night creatures who can't wait to kill him.
Warnings: Erm. Angels? Haha.
Previous Chapter:
1ABeta-ed by:
mysapphiresky (
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OMFG!!! LOL! Hyukkie is a BAD ASS!! Did you see how that fire shield flared up when Sungmin tried to attack him!? AND those LIGHTNING!!! OMG!!!! LOL! I'm totally spazzing right now hun ^^ kekeke~~~the update for this one is sooooo cool!!! Especially when they were dueling Chansung xDD kekeke!!! Those epic lightning and weather control! DANG!! That was AWESOME! :DDDD
I wonder why Hyuk was avoiding Hae O.O Did Sungmin perhaps accidentally have a slip of the tongue after finding out that Hyuk was Hae's soulmate? I wonder what's soo...nvm ^:^ lol! I can't wait for the next update hun ^^ kekekek!!! Update whenever you can!
ILY <3
hehehe as usual u read my mind dear... i guess i'll try to update ashes of the innocent first? idk my friend says that i'll take forever, knowing me. and unfortunately, she's quite right =/ but i'll still try my best! :D thank you so much for all your encouragements as always and ILY TOO ♥
So I'm kinda jealous of you for having someone to edit your works ^^ kekeke~~
But yeah, take your time to update hun! You know I will always be here waiting ^^ kekeke~~~
but its still good to know that theres always someone waiting to read my fic :D:D hehe its really an awesome motivation. hwaiting! :D
You really wanna be my beta? :DDD
*suddenly pouts* buuuut....I think that will be too much T.T You have your own fics to worry and update on too T.T I don't want to trouble you, so I guess it's okay if I still go un-beta'd >.< it's okay hun! I will just fly solo xDD kekeke~~ty for offering though ^^ I appreciate it a LOT! So much that you don't know how happy my heart is to know that someone is willing and wants to beta, but I'm afraid you have too much on your shoulders too xDDD kekeke~~knowing that we both write, so it's okay hun ^^ ty though :DDD kekeke~~motivation! keke~~
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