Jan 26, 2009 13:08

Teach me, O LORD, the way of your statutes, and I shall keep it to the end.

It'd be nice if the power of temptation lessened as we grew older, but there's no security in age. King David was fifty when he fell into sin with Bathshebs; and in that culture fifty was older than it is now, for life expectancy was much shorter. The hot blood of youth was no longer flowing through David's veins, but he fell into sin anyway.
Midlife and old agehave their own sets of temptations, and we must never let down our guard. It's true that we should grow wiser and stronger as we grow older. We should grow in grace. But don't think you'll ever be imune from temptation in this lie, whatever your age.
J. Oswald Sanders writes, "Nothing is easier for the aging person who is growing increasingly infirm and experiencing some depresssion as a result than to turn inward and be self-occupied. That attitude of mind only exacerbates the problem. It is when with firm purpose we turn away from our own grief, aches, and ailments, and busy ourselves to relieve those of others, that we will obtain relief from our own."


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