Cross-dressing (Oneshot)

Mar 06, 2011 21:35

Title: Cross-Dressing (Oneshot)
Pairing: Everyone/Eunhyuk (its not what you think it is) SHINee included
Genre: Humor/Crack (i guess)
Summary: Eunhyuk lost a bet so he must be punished. What if the punishment is to cross-dress and confront his members pretending to be a real girl.
Warning: cross-dressing



“Why not Hyukkie? I’m sure you’ll look great as always.”


“Well, if you forgot, let me remind you, you’re gonna have to wear this dress because you

just lost the bet.”

“............................................I HATE YOU GUYS.”



“Hey Hyukkie, wanna make a bet??”ask Donghae.

“Bet? About what?”

“Lets bet on who can finish this foods the fastest.”Donghae showed Eunhyuk the dining

table full off pizzas, spaghetti, and pies.

“That many? Are you serious? Who are we betting on?”

“Of course i am. We’re betting on Shindong hyung and Ryeowook.”

“Shindong hyung i can understand but Wookie? SERIOUSLY?”

“Yes, i am serious. Even Wookie already agreed.”

“I’m on it Hyukkie hyung”said Ryeowook.

“Okay! What are the punishments to the lost person?”

Smirking,”Wearing a dress and pretends to be a girl in front of our SHINee magnaes and

our members without them knowing who you are. You know that they’re resting in the

waiting room right?”


“Are you afraid Hyukkie?”

“What! No i’m not! Okay then, i’m on it!!!”

‘You’re really easy to manipulate, Hyukkie.’

“Okay, so who are you betting on?”ask Donghae.

“Of course i’m betting on Shindong hyung!”

“Okay then, i’m going to bet on Ryeowook.”

“Seriously? You are SOOO gonna lose, Hae.”

“We’ll see, Hyukkie.”Donghae smiles smugly.


“This is not fair!! You’re cheating!!”grumbles Eunhyuk while trying to wear the dress.

“I'm not cheating! That what you called, strategy!”said Donghae smugly.

“Hell strategy! You didn’t tell me that Ryeowook was dieting in this whole week!! No

wonder he eats like a pig and even worse that Shindong hyung!!”

“Ouch, that hurts.”said Sindong pretending to be hurt.

“Stop pretending already!”

“Hyukkie, stop moving! Its hard enough to make you wear this dress.”Sungmin tries to

stop Eunhyuk from moving with his hand.

“I can’t believe this. What am i supposed to do when i went to the waiting room???”

“Its simple Hyukkie, i’ll accompany you to the room and i’ll say to them that you’re my

cousin, just need them to take care of you for a while, while i’m finishing my business.

Isn’t it simple?”reply Donghae.

“Easy for you to say! What if they ask questions? And my voice, it’ll give myself away!”

“Just create anything if its necessary and about your voice, i know you can make girl’s

voice Hyukkie, you did once to me and it really sounded like a girl and also its going to be

quick. I won’t be gone for long.”

“Really? Are you sure?”Eunhyuk’s feeling unsecure.

“Of course i’m sure. By the way, if they know who you really are, then you’ll have to treat

us for lunch for a whole month!!!”said Donghae happily.

“WHAT!!!! I HAVE TO BUY YOU LUNCH FOR EACH ONE OF YOU???”Eunhyuk yelled. Sungmin nods.

‘If its only Sungmin hyung, Ryeowook and Donghae, then its fine but SINDONG HYUNG!!!


“Don’t worry, i’ll try my best! There’s no way i’m gonna waste my money on you guys

especially you, Shindong hyung!”

“Hurt again.”mutters Shindong.

“You’re ready Hyukkie.”Sungmin shove Eunhyuk out of the changing room.




“Oh, just shut up Hae.”Eunhyuk slaps Donghae’s head.

“Okay, now that we’re ready, lets go Hyukkie.”Donghae pulls Eunhyuk out of the room.

‘Just hope that this will go well’


‘OMG! What did i get myself into???!!!’

Eunhyuk is IN the waiting room. There are 4 SHINee members and 6 Suju members in it.

They ALL are STARING at Eunhyuk.

‘I think they know who i am!’ Eunhyuk panics.

‘Damn that fish. He really did what he said he’s gonna do.’


Donghae pops out of nowhere. The people in the waiting room are just talking to each


“Hey guys!”

“Whats up Donghae.”said Siwon.

“Hey hyung!”said the 4 SHINee members.

“Listen, can you guys help me alittle?”

“Sure. What do you want us to do?”ask Leeteuk while the others just nod their head

saying that they’re fine with it.

“Well, my cousin is here to visit me but i have something to do right now, can you guys

take care of her while i finished my work? Just for a little while.”

“Oh, sure we’re fine by that. We’re not doing anything by the way.”said Heechul while the

others nod their head again.

“Really? Thanks a bunch! Here she is.”Donghae shoves Eunhyuk into the waiting room.

“Come on, Eunhyeon, introduce yourselves.”

‘By the way, Donghae said my name will be changed into Eunhyeon. I can’t possibly

introduce himself as Eunhyuk, right? And also, i have to keep interacts with them. He

really is making my life’s hard!’

“Neh, annyonghaseyo. My name is Eunhyeon, nice to meet you all.”Eunhyuk tries to make

his voice as girly as he could.

“Oh my.........” EVERY people in the room were frozen. They just can’t believe that

Donghae has a cousin THAT beautiful. Her skin is snowy white, plump lips covered with

pink lipstick, a pair of beautiful one eyelid eyes, blazing red hair contrast with his skin, his

legs are super smooth, hands looks so delicate, cute nose and body, kinda small but sexy.

“This is my cousin! I’ll be going now. I’ll come back later then Eunhyeon-ah! Wait for me

okay?”said Donghae and he’s out of the room.

‘This is interesting.’thinks Donghae.


“Ummm, so can i sit down?”Eunhyuk asked to the gaping members.

“Oh....oh.. yes, certainly.”said Kyuhyun.

‘I never imagine i’ll confront a stuttering Kyuhyun, maybe this isn’t so bad.’

“I’m really sorry for interrupting you guys.”Eunhyuk bows a little.

“No.. its... its okay, you don’t need to apologize.”

‘Even Leeteuk is stuttering. LOL. This is interesting!’

“So, you’re Donghae’s cousin?”ask Heechul with his eyebrows up.

“Yes i am.”

“I’ve never seen you before.”

“Well, i’m studying overseas before, thats why we haven’t met i guess. I just came back

recently and i miss my fishy cousin so much that i decide to come here.”said Eunhyuk

while smiling cutely at the members.

“O...oh...i..i..i see.”Heechul kinda mesmerizes by Eunhyuk’s cute smile.

“Speaking of overseas, Super Junior and SHINee are really popular there.”Eunhyuk folds

his legs, showing his white thigh.

“”Minho (and other members except Siwon, who was looking elsewhere)

can’t stop staring at the white exposed skin.

Smirking inside, ‘Maybe i should tease them more, seems like they REALLY didn’t realize

i’m Eunhyuk.’

“Yes. They have a lot of Super Junior and SHINee things like pictures, banners, dolls and

much more!”

“That... great.. yeah..great.”

“Hmm... i think you guys are really awesome. I like Kyuhyun the best in Super Junior, of

course i like you guys too.”Eunhyuk scooted closer to Kyuhyun.

“Ah.... re...really?? Tha...thank you.”Kyuhyun blush bright red. Evryone else is looking at

him with envy.

‘Omo... LOL. Kyu is blushing!!! I wish i have a camera right now.’

“Don’t you like us as well?”ask Key smugly.

“Of course i do! For your information, you’re the one i like the best in SHINee.”Eunhyuk

decided to touch Key’s hand. Key blush deep red, more red than Kyuhyun did. Once again,

the members are staring at Key with envy.

“You don’t like me then?”ask Heechul unsatisfied with Eunhyuk’s choice.

“You’re too beautiful Heechul oppa that i think i should envy you rather than like

you.”said Eunhyuk smiling slightly.

“.........”Heechul keeps quiet and blushes red yet again the members staring with envy.

“Siwon oppa, my friend really likes you, can u take picture with me? They requested it.

Please...?”Eunhyuk shows his puppy eyes that he learn from Donghae.

“I......o..okay.”Siwon looks shy.

“Oh, i’m sorry, i fogot to bring my camera, silly me.”

“Its okay, here, you can borrow mine.”Yesung offered his camera.

“Aww, thank you Yesung oppa.”Eunhyuk smiles beautifully while pats Yesung’s hand.

“Come here, Siwon oppa.”

‘Its really uncomfortable calling your best friend ‘oppa’, but still i have to.’

Eunhyuk posed cutely with Siwon looking timid beside him.

One, two, clak.

“Thank you, Siwon oppa.”Eunhyuk kissed Siwon’s cheeks.

“........................”Siwon looks REALLY embarrass. He blushed deeper than anyone did in

the room. The members are glaring at him. ‘What a lucky bastard.’

“Hey, i’m back!!! Eunhyeon, are you okay?”said Donghae suprising the people in the room.

“Of course i am Hae.”

“Are they nice to you?”Donghae looking straight at Eunhyuk, sending the unspoken words

to Eunhyuk, asking with his eyes if they found out about him.

“Yes, oppas are very nice to me. They’re really are good people Hae-ah.”Eunhyuk looks

back at Donghae answering the questions Donghae emitted.

“Now, guys, thank you for taking care of my dear cousin.”said Donghae while putting his

hands around Eunhyuk’s waist.

“D..don’t worry Donghae, its nothing.”reply Leeteuk.

“Well, if that so, we’ll be going now. Bye.”Donghae pulls Eunhyuk out of the room.


“So? How its going?”ask Donghae as soon as they arrived at their dorm.

“Its fun!! You should have seen their faces Hae. Can you believe it?? Kyuhyun, Heechul

hyung and Siwon blushes just because i compliment, touch their hands and kissed their

cheeks. LOL. Also, Minho can’t stop staring at my thigh when i folded my legs. And can’t

you believe it, Kyuhyun and Leeteuk STUTTERING. Never once did  they stutters and now

just because of me cross-dressing, they stutters.”


“By the way, i take pictures with Siwon and here they are. Its the prove that they really

thinks i’m a girl and that means i don’t have to pay you lunch for a whole month! Yay!”

“Oh, wow, this is LOL. Look at Siwon’s face, he’s blushing and kinda sweating in this

picture. The COOL PRINCE SIWON sweats and blushes just because he’s taking pictures

with his cross-dressing best friend????”Donghae laughed out hard.

“I know right!!!”

“Hyukkie, this is really funny, maybe we should do this more often.”

“Yeah, maybe we should, i thought its gonna be hard at first but in the end, its really

interesting and funny!!”


Heechul and other members are still in the waiting room. The other members are talking

about how beautiful Donghae’s cousin is. Heechul is thinking hard. He thinks that the girl

looks really familiar. And then something strucks his mind.

“HAE???? HAE???”

The other members just stares at Heechul, wondering what going on with him.

“Heechul hyung, what’s wrong with you?”ask Minho.

“She calls Donghae, HAE!”

“Yeah, so what?”

“Oh you silly brats, don’t you realize it? ONLY EUNHYUK calls Donghae HAE! Donghae

said it himself that nobody can call him HAE excepts EUNHYUK!”

Gasps were heard from the members.

Now that they think about it, ‘she’ really does resembles Eunhyuk a LOT.

Oh wow. Those 2 guys are SOOOO DEAD.

A/N: *hides away* *peeking* 
          are you guys still here?
          how do u think of this?
          is it good? 
          is it bad?
          please comments..
          i wanna know what u think of it!!! <3

cross-dressing, everyone/eunhyuk, rating-pg-13

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