Waiting (Oneshot)

Oct 23, 2011 20:49

Title : Waiting (Inspirated by Kiss The rain - Yiruma)
Pairing : HaeHyuk
Genre : Angst, Romance
Rating : PG-13
Summary : For you, i will always wait.
A/N : This fic will be locked in 3 days. Best read with Piano Cover of 'Kiss The Rain'.

Did you know? I’m standing here under the tree we used to come to. Our tree, thats what we named it.

Did you remember? We were so happy together. Your smile brightens my day. I can’t get enough of you. I need to see you smile again. I need to feel you. I need YOU.

Did you know that i have come here every single day, waiting? Why did you let me stand under our tree alone?

Did you remember the first day we met? We were young. I was so focused on my book that i didn’t notice you, a boy who had a headphone on, head banging to whatever sound you were hearing, were walking right in front of me.

We fall hard on our bums. That was my first meeting you. To other people, it may not be a memory worth remembering, but to me, to US, it was a beautiful memory that fate had set us in.

Meeting you was the best thing that has ever happened in my life. Even till now it still is.

We became friends almost immediately. Best friends even, as we had so much in common. We share the same passion of dancing. We were great at it too. I love to see you dance. You seem so beautiful as you did. Your face showed only happiness even when you’re drenched with sweat.

I miss you.

I miss your smile, i miss your gentleness, i miss the way your eyes twinkling when you laugh, i miss everything of you.

At first i thought it was only me. Only me seems lost when you’re gone. Only me missing you when you’re not with me. Only me dreaming about you. Only me whose heart pounding ever so loudly whenever you closen your body to me.

Only me falling head over heels for you.

Oh, how wrong was i.

It seems silly how after years of burying my feelings for you deep inside me because of my fear of losing you if i didn’t, when you came up to me one day and said ‘You idiot. How long would you want me to wait till you confess to me?’

I can’t believe what i’m hearing at that time. Laughing at my dumb-struck face, you take my hand and whispers in my ear ‘You’re not the only one.’

I froze for a second and for the first time after who-knows-how-long, i smile truly. Trying to cover my feelings for you, i had faked everything about me. As were my smile.

But now i can be myself. I don’t have to cover up anything. I don’t have to pretend. I can be my real self.

I smile happily and lifted you in the air. You laughed. Its the most beautiful sound i have ever heard.

How i wish i can see you right now.

7th June. It was our anniversary date as were our first meeting date. Its funny how fate seems to be toying with us. No matter how hard we tried, we can never win against it.

You had an accident, did you remember? You were on a rush as you want to hurry home. I can imagine you, smiling with that twinkling lights in your eyes as you were running while holding tight a beautifully wrapped box on your hand, not wanting to be late.

It was a lorry. The driver was drunk that night. He lost control of the vehicle. And you were there.

It almost seems like fate hate us being happy together.

I was numb when i’m on the way to the hospital. I can’t register anything except the fact that you had an accident keep repeating in my head.

But i remember running. Run and run and run. But no matter how fast i am, i’m always too late.

I stand there by the door of your operation room. Nobody cares about who’s coming into the room as they were too busy saving your lives. I did hear the beep sound of your heart monitor.

I heard it once, only once and no more.

A surge feeling of emptiness and loss seeps into me. There was nothing in my head. I can’t even hear the sound of yelling the nurses and doctors were making.

All i know at that moment, was that I’m too late.

So, here i am. Alone.

I’m waiting.

Waiting for the time for us to rejoin, for i know that we will meet again even if i have to wait for another lifetime.

To be with you, Hyukjae, my love,

I will always wait.

A/N : I'm back! Hey guys! Its been months since i logged in my lj. Sorry for dissapearing like that. But don't worry, now i'm back. This is my new oneshot fic. I want to make a fic for my coming back after a long time so i made this. Hope you like it! ^____^ Comment please! 

title: waiting, pairing : donghae/eunhyuk, rating : pg-13, genre : angst

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