It seems like i was influenced by Haru's
i_heart_aiba new hobby! That is,
virtual trading cards! I got to look at the site and it looks like fun so... I am playing too!
If you want to trade, you can comment here or send me an email at Also, it would be much easier if you post the cards you want to trade with (don't worry, i won't take it if i decide not to trade)
User: yuubi (if you join, type this name at referred by)
Level: 3 (i am boy, you are girl)
# of Cards: 638 cards (+27 coupons)
Collecting/Priority decks: summerdream, snowdream, paris
Decks Mastered: 16
Future Collecting/ Secondary decks: denim, docovo, bonjour, relax, redsun, getsome, eternal
Mastered Collecting Trading Coupons, Lovebills and Shop Goods Membercards Stampcards Quitted, no more Trading. Sorry!
Christmas Present from shuu! Isn't it Pretty? <333
.::: Masteries :::.
Keeping / Future Collection
.::: Logs :::.
October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 June 2008 July 2008