.:: HeartChu TCG ::.

Oct 07, 2007 02:25

It seems like i was influenced by Haru's
i_heart_aiba new hobby! That is, virtual trading cards! I got to look at the site and it looks like fun so... I am playing too!

If you want to trade, you can comment here or send me an email at eun.hye2207@gmail.com Also, it would be much easier if you post the cards you want to trade with (don't worry, i won't take it if i decide not to trade)


User: yuubi (if you join, type this name at referred by)
Level: 3 (i am boy, you are girl)
# of Cards: 638 cards (+27 coupons)
Collecting/Priority decks:  summerdream, snowdream, paris
Decks Mastered: 16
Future Collecting/ Secondary decks:   denim,  docovo,  bonjour, relax, redsun, getsome, eternal
Mastered  Collecting   Trading   Coupons, Lovebills and Shop Goods  Membercards   Stampcards

Quitted, no more Trading. Sorry!

Christmas Present from shuu! Isn't it Pretty? <333

.::: Masteries :::.







Keeping / Future Collection

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October 2007
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heartchu, tcg, cards

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