in which christians prove once again that i've read the entire bible for nothing.

Oct 30, 2008 12:36

Some Christian fanatics are concerned, quite reasonably, about the economy, and have chosen, quite absurdly, to try and correct the problem with prayer. So far, so typical, but then … well, they picked a peculiarly oblivious way to do it. They prayed before a statue of a golden bull on Wall Street.

Just a clue: there's this book called "the bible" that these people claim to follow, but I suspect they've never actually read it, or they might have seen Exodus 32.

Full article here.

Seriously lolzing all over the place. xDD This sort of thing happens way more often than it probably should.

Also, while I'm here rather than hiding in my room...

1. Reply to this post, and I will pick five of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon glee.

poppyfields13 asked about these icons:

[by nashka123] My new default icon. :3 I love icons of fruits and confections and the like - any kind of food icons really, but especially of really cute food. And there is no food cuter than cupcakes! ♥♥♥

[by 986_icons] I think this icons might be the icon I've kept the longest at this point. Look at them! Look at how they love eachother! Is it any wonder so many people ship them?

[by the amahzingly awesome ifanciful] OTP! Actually, Sam/Ham came from one of our earliest discussions, when we were trying to raise a fuss over at icarlyonline (we were bored and offended) here. This one didn't go very far. xDD The Sham idea was born on AIM and never made it into the comm. (Although it has made it into the infinity more awesome groovysmoothie!)

[also by ifanciful] Rodney's the awesomest. :O I think our love for Rodney probably developed somewhere between watching the actually show and talking about him on AIM. Also, I remember one of his scenes was comforting to me after being scarred for life by Plague Dogs.

[by brokenbacktango] If you're watching the latest season of Heroes and have seen the movie The Fly, then there's really no other comparison to make. At least none that are nearly as funny. Let's just say that Mohinder's Stupid is ruing his Pretty.


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