Nov 02, 2004 15:53
I was thinking about a lot of things today. I know using things is sort of vague but just the same I was thinking today. It is sort of funny how people think is takes having other people in their lives to make them happy. I believe only you can make you happy. If you are unhappuy with yourself they no one else can help you, not permanently anyways.
In other ranting...My friend "JANE" recently hooked up with this dumb ass I know named Geoffrey. As weird as it may sound she adored him. They actually had tons in common and got along really well. After a few dates and some heavy messing around, they decided to spend the night together, the next day he told his friends that he decided he wasn't sexually attacted to her. Now I was curious, so I asked my friend about it and she said, "well something was wrong, but I don't think it was me, he couldn't even get it up." This of course amused me highly. But now I began to wonder if it was becasue of her. He didn't having any trouble getting it up for a blow job or a hand job any of the other times. So was it her or him? Did the thought of actual sex with someone beside himself cause the limpness or did he become sexually unattracted to her, like he said?