Oh Yeah

Jun 21, 2010 18:22

Day 09 - A song that you can dance to
MBLAQ - Oh Yeah

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I really like doing the dance during Mir's rap, haha. I don't know like...the official dance (only the choruses) but I do love dancing to this song. It's so...dance-able! Don't you agree? Haha.

And now, time for an Asian Poses meme! I stole the idea from myreasoninlife because I was bored one night and not sleepy. :D Please excuse the horrible quality and the darkness because I did this at like three in the morning with the lights off. :|

the poses

Pose #1: V Sign

Pose #2: Shush

Pose #3: Begging

Pose #4: Adjusting Glasses

Pose #5: Claws

Pose #6: Pigtails

Pose #7: Frame

Pose #8: Pleading

Pose #9: Louder

Pose #10: Fighting!

Pose #11: Punch to the Face

Pose #12: Call Me

Pose #13: Bang!

Pose #14: Confused

Pose #15: Praying

Pose #16: Blowing a Kiss

Pose #17: Pointing

Pose #18: Giant Heart
I cheated on this one. My camera wouldn't be able to see me anymore if I scooted back far enough to make a giant heart...

Pose #19: Pillow

Pose #20: Surprised

Pose #21: Daydreaming

Pose #22: Hey

Pose #23: Heart Shape

Pose #24: Nyan Nyan~

Pose #25: Okay

Pose #26: Salute

Pose #27: Horns

Pose #28: Tears/Teasing

And omfg, Seunghyun's solo video, the end. I like...died. Like...what? He's not even doing anything but he's just staring and it's like :SLkdhgyr stop that, you know? Yeah. I'm crazy.

Youngbae's solo is going to drop soon! I hadn't realized how close July is! I'm so excited! And I just now realized that SE7EN's album is going to come out while I'm on vacation in Anaheim! Boo! TT I suppose I can wait until that Sunday... TT;;; And now I've just made myself sad. ):

♥ 선애

bigbang: youngbae, bigbang: seunghyun, irl: pictures, random: meme, fandom: yg fambam

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