
May 02, 2010 20:42

Hello people of Livejournal! I'm sorry I've been MIA from LJ for like ever. ): But here I am to provide a long overdue update!

School is almost over! Yay! I just have one mroe week of actual instruction and then finals week and this semester is over! Guh.

Uh...my baby nephew was also born since the last time I updated! He was so small. Such a cute little baby. TT His name is Patrick Chace. And he's adorable.

He's like, the cutest ever!

Speaking of nephews, my sister-in-law's sister's son is so adorable! IDK if I should be calling him my nephew since he's my sister-in-law's sister's, but IDK. It's so much easier to say nephew. XD Anyway, he's two and he's adorable, too! He took a nap when he and his mommy were over and his hair turned out looking awesome after waking up.

Taken with my phone. Excuse the quality. And the huge-ness.

Also, I realized I haven't camwhored in a while, so I did that. For the past three days. :x

First, I took this while walking in the park with my parents. So pretty!

Same day. My daddy took this one. Windy day! Hence, the hair.

Me imitating Bom's "Ehhh?" from 2NE1 TV. Keke!

Why yes, there is a bee censoring part of the picture! :x

Making an "ooh" face. The shirt reminds me of CL's in Fire. XD

Yesterday, I received a package from my love, hyuntwins. Candy! ♥

And me eating one of the Chupa Chups! :D

In fandom news! OMFG Gummy's new album is so freakin' awesome. TT I missed that lady! She sounds so amazing in her new mini-album and her songs are all amazing and alkdhgt;alkjdsgr! Also, I am really anticipating MBLAQ's comeback since their new song was supposedly supposed to be Rain's title track! So exciting! And YG's schedule for this year looks so awesome omfg. I wonder if he can stick to it. XD

And yeah! That's it! I'll try to comment more on your entries! TT

♥ 선애

PS Follow My Big Bang FYEAH Tumblr! :D

fandom: mblaq, yobebi: jihyun, irl: pictures, irl: family, irl: school, fandom: yg fambam

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