Sorry Naked

Mar 24, 2009 15:57

I just noticed my face is swollen after I wake up in the morning. :D;;

Hello, new friends, 1849, adlasaid, almightybrows (not really new, but a new name. :D ♥), lovewaste, rigmaarole & xradiostatic! Sorry sorry sorry sorry naked naked naked naked if I've forgotten anyone! And also, I'm so sorry but I love you, 다 거짓말 for the last two emo entries! I'm not usually like that, I swear!

Anyway. I have intro posts here and here. They're pretty much still the same. Though I've aged. Current age is 21 in US years, 23 in Korean. :3 I would make a completely new one for you guys, but my uncle took my computer tower to make it faster. I'm using the shared one from the living room with doesn't have any of my crap on it. :Db

Stolen form baka_tenshi :D ♥
The next time you stand up in front of a group of people, you'll say:
Song: Fly (Feat. Amin. J for Soulciety)
Artist: Epik High
Comment: You can fly. :D

Your favourite thing to say when drunk is:
Song: 거짓말
Artist: Big Bang
Comment: LOL. Lies! Everything is lies when I'm drunk!

Your message to the world:
Song: 하니 (Honey)
Artist: KARA
Comment: 나만의 HONEY HONEY HONEY! ♥

Your deepest secret:
Song: Tnat's When I'll Stop Loving You
Artist: *NSYNC
Comment: Aw. T T Is it one of those "I won't tell you I love you to protect you" stuff? Am I too much of a drama addict? Haha.

Your innermost desire:
Song: 로꾸거!!!
Artist: Super Junior T
Comment: LOLWTF.

Somewhere in your wedding vows, you'll include:
Song: 천국
Artist: Big Bang
Comment: I'd rather have my groom say it in his wedding verse. He wrote it, after all. LOLOL. *shot*

On your deathbed, you'll whisper:
Song: HEY! Don't Bring Me Down
Artist: 東方神起
Comment: Hahaha.

Your friends say behind your back:
Song: 죄인
Artist: Tae Yang
Comment: Wow. People up in here calling me a sinner. D:

You say behind your friends' back:
Song: I Want You Back
Artist: *NSYNC
Comment: I want you back, bbs. Stop calling me a sinner. T T

When you wake up in the morning, you mutter:
Song: 나만 바라봐 Part 2
Artist: G-Dragon
Comment: Wow. I want people to look at me. I'm vain. Hollah! :D;;

If you found yourself lost on a desert(ed) island, you'd yell:
Song: Party (Feat. G-Dragon)
Artist: 엄정화
Comment: WOW. HAHAHA. Of course I would. Make the best. Let's find some coconuts and make a tiki bar out of our stuff and let's party until we get rescued. XD

Right now, your feelings are:
Song: Say Goodbye
Artist: Chris Brown
Comment: It's never a right time to say goodbye! So don't go! T T

What's your excuse for reposting this:
Song: 이별... 넌 쉽니 (Heartquake) (Feat. TVXQ U-Know & Micky)
Artist: Super Junior
Comment: What...? I...don't know. Haha.

Your life's soundtrack:
Song: Nasty
Artist: 1TYM
Comment: LOLOL. Fo'sho. XD

The day you fall in love will be the day that:
Song: With You
Artist: Chris Brown
Comment: The day that I'm with you. ;D

You scream during sex:
Song: Eat You Up
Artist: BoA
Comment: OH LORD. AHAHAHAL:Sjfk; lajrhy;oauerhyao rtg. XDD

What do people assume when they first look at you?
Song: Baby I Like You Like That
Artist: SE7EN
Comment: LOLOL. Holla atchor girl! XD

What will be a big challenge in life for you?
Song: Purple Line
Artist: 東方神起
Comment: It's that damn purple line! The one that makes me want to introduce myself! D<

Are you a good boyfriend/girlfriend?
Song: 중력 (Gravity)
Artist: Fly to the Sky
Comment: I...don't know. O:

Do you have a secret admirer?
Song: Get Ya!
Artist: 이효리
Comment: Yes, and she wants to get me. Haha.

Will you ever become manically depressed in your life?
Song: Break It
Artist: KARA
Comment: I will break through depression! D<

How will you die?
Song: Intro (Put Your Hands Up)
Artist: Big Bang
Comment: G-Getting robbed...? Or...seomthing...? This, so sad. O:

Is someone trying to kill you?
Song: Y (Why...)
Artist: Zhang Liyin
Comment: WRRRYYYYYY!!!!

What's for dinner tonight?
Song: Rainism
Artist: 비
Comment: ...magic stick. OHGOD. *killed*

Your farewell message to the readers of this:
Song: Together Forever
Artist: Big Bang
Comment: Let's be together...forever. ♥

Took me a long time. Haha. I actually listened to the songs all the way through before moving on to the next question. :Db

OHMAIGOSH GAIZ. I totally tripped on the stairs coming up. T T Someone send Kwon Jiyong to help my rugburn go away. I'm total stupid. ):

Finally registered for! ♥

♥ 써니

bigbang: jiyong, fandom: tvxq, bigbang: bigbang, fandom: yg fambam, lj: flist, fandom: general, bigbang: youngbae, random: meme

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