It's laundry day

Aug 14, 2008 11:46

It is. I do everyone's laundry in the house. D:

taken from omgfangirl, who posted at yg_bigbang, and stole it from linari_tanis


1.Allocate these categories to each member.
((Use Each Member Only Once))

Best Voice: Daesung. I have always been a sucker for deep voices, and Daesung's takes the cake. I think his and oppa's voices are my favorite voices of all time, srsly. I can listen to their voices all day. Someone get this boy a new solo, prs. :|

Best Hair: As of right now, I'd say Youngbae. I just really, really adore this 'hawk he's got going on. It really fits him and his style, and just yay! I remember getting very excited when he first unveiled it. Haha.

Best Dressed: Kwon Jiyong. Would it make sense if I said anyone else? The boy's a fashionista. And his sister owns a clothing store! It has to run in the family! The guy's always setting trends.

Most talkative: Seungri. I mean, c'mon. It's like the kid never shuts up. But it's so, so cute and endearing and a;lkdjf aohuart. Like a little kid telling you how his day went and LOL Seungri's so cute.

Sexiest member: Sorry, Jiyong. Hahaha. But, c'mon. Smokyyyyyy. Smoky. Make-up. Just kidding. But seriously. This guy's smirk, his smile, his smoky. It's all sexy. He's even sexy when he's awkward. LOL. That's how sexy he is.


Favorite Member: Seriously, guys, all of them. But Jiyong just a leetle bit moar.
Favorite Pairing: GTOP. It's such crack; you gotta love it. 하루하루 is love because it brings out the GTOP in people. LOL. How can it not? That "fight scene" was really a lover's squabble. D<


Favorite song:
Oh My Baby/Lady
Um. I cheated. LOL. I love Oh My baby. I love the raps and the singing and I love the tempo that they sing with. I love the intertwining of the rapping and the singing and Daesung in the chorus and ♥. And Lady is my favorite from the Stand Up album. It's so catchy and fun and LOL I love the lyrics.

Catchiest Song:
You can't tell me you won't sing along if the song comes up, and you can't tell me it won't get stuck in your head afterward. Even my little brother knows the beat even though he doesn't know the lyrics.

Most Played On Your Playlist:
나만 바라봐. It counts, right? Even though it's Youngbae's solo? Haha. It's most played because I love, love, love singing along, and I love dancing along and I love the dance move when he says "baby." :x

Favorite Solo Song:
다음날. Even though I love Daesung's voice and 나만 바라봐 is most played, I just love the softness and tenderness of 다음날. The piano and the back-up vocals and the Seungri. Haha. I just love listening to it.

Favorite Song (Feat. Another Artist):
김조한 - So In Love Part2. I love hearing Jiyong rapping to a mid-tempo song, especially with an R&B vibe like this one.

Favorite Promotional Video [PV/MV]:
Goodbye Baby. I call it the video of sin. It does weird things. Haha. Like you don't even need to know. It's a secret between me and Jooeun. Hahaha! ♥ PS Jiyong's dance move of ghei makes me laugh.


Favorite Performance:
TBH, I don't really watch performances, but I really liked their first ever Dirty Cash performance. It was totally colorful and cute and rawr. I loved it. Hahaha. Too bad I can't find it on Youtube anymore. D:

Favorite Concert:
I've only watched one of their concerts. :x So I guess for me it has to be the GREAT concert. I do intend on watching the REAL, but I need some cash first. D:

Favorite Concert Performance:
But I Love U from the GREAT. Honesty, it's not exactly a favorite song, but I just loved the performance to bits. The puppetry! :Db

Favorite Song Performed Live:
Oh My Baby. The first time I heard it live I was blown away. Hahaha. Like, seriously. Daesung starting off the song is pure genius, and then it's like no one can mess up in this song. It always sounds so beautiful when I hear it live.

Favorite Solo Performance:
Daesung's performance of 날 봐, 귀순 at the Uljin Festival. Like, oh my god. It was too great. I almost fell in love with him after watching that. And I liked it when the others came out and did the dance at the end. Hee~

Favorite Performance (Feat. Another Artist):
Special Stage with Haha. That was genius. Seungri fit right in with Haha's 내 안의 운명. And everything else was lovely. And TOP and Haha getting on the floor? &hearts!


Favorite Skit:
Coffee Prince skit! Favorite drama evar! And...the GTOP. It is love. Plus the black screen ending, ahahaha! I was dying!

Favorite TV Appearance:
Daesung's Family Outing appearances. Oh, the boy is just so precious. And his and Yoo Jaesuk's fail at cooking is the best. Dumb & dumber duo for life! Hahaha! I still haven't watched Jiyong's episode yet because it isn't subbed. :x

Favorite Promotion:
NII. They always look so fabulous in their NII photoshoots. Although they do tend to go a bit overboard with the Photoshop and the perfect skin, but whatever. Their clothes and their hair is always awesome. I want those new NII photos now. D<

Favorite Photoshoot:
See above? Hahaha, IDK. I love the NII photoshoots. I go so crazy saving pictures from the NII photoshoots that I tend to duplicate what I save. 8D

1. How did you hear about Big Bang?
I remember reading an article about their debut, but I never really got into them until a dongsaeng of mine made me feel guilty about not really listening to their music. Haha. I then asked another dongsaeng to suggest a music video for me, and she thought Goodbye Baby would get me hooked. And it did. And it's all those two's faults. Haha.

2. What was the first thing you saw them in?
La-La-La video. I gave them a shot when they first debuted, but I wasn't really into them after that one viewing. If I had watched it/listened to it a few more times, it would have grown on me, but I just gave it that one half-assed listen and put it to rest for the time being. :x

3. Which member caught your attention right away?
Choi Seunghyun! Because. Smoky. Hahaha. But when he came out first in Goodbye Baby, I was like "How come oppa is in a Big Bang video?" But it wasn't oppa. Of course. Hahaha. But I was really attracted to Seunghyun at first. He was really handsome in Goodbye Baby. :x

4. Has your favorite member ever changed?
Uh, yeah. :x It went from the two Seunghyuns to Jiyong. Don't ask me why. I don't think I'd be able to tell you. Haha.

5. What was it that sealed your love for them?
Goodbye Baby. LOL.

6. What’s the funniest/craziest thing you’ve ever seen them do?
There's a bunch of crazy stuff for me to choose from! How can I? LOL. But there's this one thing that sticks out from when they went to Japan for the first time? When Seunghyun was being all Superman on the floor escalator at the airport and Seungri was making his clothes seem like he was flying. 8D

7. What type of car can you see each member owning?
I'm not very good with cars, haha. So excuse the lameness.
♥ 끈 Seunghyun: Something sleek and black and sporty. :D
♥ Youngbae: Something like Seunghyun's. O:
♥ Jiyong: Something yellow. Hahaha.
♥ Daesung: A pick-up truck. Hahaha. I don't know. D< I can just imagine him driving a pick-up and having all his buddies squeeze into the back while nuna rides front seat. Nyahaha.
♥ 아이 Seunghyun: A practical compact car. Like a Honda. Like nuna's. Hahaha. [dies]
I told you all it would be lame. :x

8. Which member would you never want to have driving while you’re in the car?
Youngbae. Blaming the beat for his driving. Psh. LOL. No, I'm kidding. I think Youngbae would be a safe driver. But I can imagine Seunghyun being a disaster of a driver. I just can, okay? No questions!

9. Which member would not surprise you if you found them reading porn?
Seungri. Because. Of that one interview on YDH's Love Letter. Yadong. Hahaha. Oh, Seungri. You're so cute. Don't do that. XD

10. Do you think Big Bang is going to take an Artist of the Year award for 2008?
It depends. Dong Bang's coming back this year. :x

Yeah. I totally abuse emoticons. And that took me over an hour to do. I think INeed to check the laundry now.

OUCH! I just hurt myself. On a door. Am I a genius or what? =w=;;

♥ 써니

bigbang: daesung, bigbang: youngbae, bigbang: jiyong, bigbang: seunghyun, bigbang: bigbang, couple: gtop, bigbang: seungri

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