We, however, are very likely to be one sorry grease spot, a thin 50,000 year layer in the rock strata, encapsulating all those childish dreams that we were somehow going to get off this planet, go forth and conquer the stars.
Having an arrogant, condescending attitude will no doubt win many more hearts and minds to the Mundane cause.
This, after the scientists have applied their enormous energy and intellect to discover the laws of physics, ecology, and psychology, and we, the Science Fiction writers, have decided to disregard the entire lot for no reason other than habit and tradition.
Those horrible, immoral, ungreatful writers! Any speculations that are outside the realm of the current state of science is a threat to us all, and we must depend on science fiction writers to set everything straight (campaghning for better science and mathematics education in the public school system is apparently not the easiest answer for these people, and demanding harder sci-fi takes less effort that working on genuine political change). Concepts such as the possibility that writers may in fact be writing in ways that they feel best suites their personal style may never enter the equation!
For me, the idea comes first. Without some form of thought-provoking vision about something real, no amount of good characterization and compelling writing can redeem it for me.
Strength in probability first, quality of prose later. Thanks for reminding everyone why sci-fi - especially hard sci-fi - is in decline.
Get your story in earlier and this gives you time to fail and try again.
Please, please give us your stories, you dirty day dreaming masses. Which we'll probably reject anyway.
Why anyone would be willing to waste their time an energy to send something who is that arrogant and clearly has a low opinion of what they just might enjoy writing about it is beyond me.