Apr 27, 2008 13:55
Everything is see. Every experience I have. Every person I encounter. Every time I'm alone. I think in terms of films. Movies. My life is a huge motion picture. Plots can consist of many things. You could be a 16 year old girl who finds herself pregnant living at Wal-Mart, or you could be a dimwitted spy who everyone takes for granted but in the end is a hero. Action. Drama. Comedy. Horror. What genre is my life? I really haven't decided yet. But I know its definately not action. Life is a movie and I'm not only an actor, but the director too. I can see every chose that will dictate what the outcome will be. Most of the time I'm way to wrapped up in creating these stories and outcomes that I lose track of reality and what socially acceptable. For example, is it weird that even though I have the most perfect relationship in the world and am completely in love and will marry this boy, that I have an odd urge to end it all with some huge dramatic break-up scene where I deliver witty one liners and he is completely devasted? But of course, we get back together after a long emotional process of ridiculous preportions. I mean I'm sitting here and thinking I'm in a movie. Like this is my inner monologue. Like Scrubs... only I'm not a doctor. I probably sound pretty retarded. Oh well, doesn't really matter. No one reads this blog anyways. :P