Approaching the end of Year One

May 24, 2010 14:55

It's less than seven days now before Elise turns one. I never imagined being a dad would be so, well, hard. That said, I think we've been pretty lucky on the health front. When she was only a few months old, we ended up giving her some stomach meds to treat some suspected acid reflux that might have been irritating her esophagus and causing her to cry all the time (aka the dreaded colic). (I guess in some babies, it can take some time for the muscle controlling passage from the esophagus to the stomach to develop fully.) We had quite a scare when she went from not putting anything into her own mouth one day to putting a coin in her mouth which made her start throwing up and retching on the next day. Oh, and she's fallen many times, a few times on her head.

But she's growing up really well, though the wife sometimes bugs me about the fact that Elise hasn't started walking yet. But these days, between crawling around like a madman and playing with mom and dad, she seems awfully mature at times. While the first six months passed by so slowly, it seems these last six have passed so much faster.

And while I haven't been uploading pictures to Picasa at all (which has probably been a boon to anyone who hates parents who just go on and on about their kids), that doesn't mean we don't have pictures. It's just that they're all sitting on the hard drive of the computer at home, waiting for a power surge or hard drive failure to wipe them all out. Okay, that's not strictly true. About half of the pics have been backed up to DVD, so we wouldn't exactly lose all of them.

As for this LiveJournal, I've contemplated off-and-on about what I want to do with this space. I spend most of my Internet time (what little of it that I have these days) on Facebook, so I'm not sure how I would go about writing more long-form stuff for here. Maybe it's time I checked out blogging software so I could just write stuff whenever and then upload it whenever?

It's probably a good thing that I haven't lost my desire to write things here (though you wouldn't know it from how sparsely I update), but I'm not exactly sure what I should write about. I think that just writing about the kid would be lame. On the other hand, if I just wrote about the other things in my life, most of that stuff would be very short and very random. Mostly musings on things I hear on news radio while I'm commuting to and from work.

Oh well. I guess that's it for now, then.

baby, elise, daughter, seojin

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