(no subject)

Jan 11, 2006 13:42

im good, im alive, im well.
tim calls me everyday and hes a complete sweetheart. he apparently found a phone card with rates of 2 cents per minuet to go to rotterdam.
im at nicko the cats house. hes mixing me music at the movie, crazy really good electronica. pretty tweeky.
ive applied for various summer jobs with musems as paleo arcivists and photo arcivists. as well as census takers for stats canada and if i dont get it i refuse to work in the serviese industry for shit wages and to get shit on by bitter managers and asshole costmaers. if i dont im gonna get a summer job as a stewart in the navy and cook and clean on a boat for 20 bucks per hour and just float about between the ports of vancouver, nanimo, and victoria. nothing like government jobs.
i really miss tim,
but im getting restless here in ottawa, cant wait cant wait to fuck off to europe.
im kinda dissorented as well.. i wont say her name but i found out my friend is HIV+ fucked up... its strange i always looked at aids and hiv as something that happened to other people in africa. it never had a face to me. exspeccially when i know my friend will live an active life for a long while, its just the manner i know that she will die. unless she kills herself. but i dont beileve that she would do such a thing. its fucked up sometimes.
im proud of kaila...
shes appliying to go to community college. she wants to work in a hospital somewhere in administration or something along those lines. shes had it with her dead end job that is HARD physical labour that quiete frankly is pretty disucting with shit and pee and vomit and fleas and parasites, and nasty old dogs with cancers bigger than their heads. bites, scratches, and ingrown hairs that arent hers. so im so happy that shes moving on in her. life... it will be interesting to see her in a student setting and have to deal with mike. (hahah... nothing like karma forcing me at university to deal with that asshole and now she will with the demands that being a student have.)
fuck nicko is on the ball at the moment. oh this is so good i cant sit still here .... just want to dance.
its final... i ve desided when im finished with school im going to move to japan. i want to learn first japanese at a japanese language school in fukuoko an then go up north in the rural areas... i will probally teach english and save up enough money to go to grad school in glasgow, scotland. travel exstensivly thorughout asia. i will hopefully break into publishing by the end of this year if not by 2007.. idealy my carreer as a paper engenier takes off and i dont even have to teach english there. i can just stay home and make art in a foreign country. (possibly break in to the international art community abrouad in asia before i even get a show in canada)something i definatly want to do when im in japan and when my japanese is good enough to learn traditional relefe block printing from a master printer in japan and learn from the work exsperts in wood engraving... this shit is nuts! their prints are 60 layers with perfect registry there is a complete ceremnoy to creating their own tools and hand printing every layer... kinda like the tea ceremony but with print making. FUCK! i will make all of this happen.
im loving life right now...
probally the next time i check in here i will be in amsterdam... on the 24th at 6 AM central europe time i will be in amsterdam. for you all in vancouver, i will be 9 hours ahead of you, for all my friends in ottawa i will be 6 hours ahead of you.
gtg laters
tim wants to get married before we go off to asia. im thinking baout that. im seriously considering it.
for new years i went to a regga revival party. danced so hard that i was sore for 2 days afterwards. nothing like hardcore drum and base mixed with reggae.
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