Hospital tip #1:Your IV tree will likely have a couple unused electric outlets in back. Convenient charging stations for phones/tablets/etc! 13:35:39, 2014-08-05
Hospital tip #2: Bring your favorite pillow & blanket from home. You'll be spending a long time in bed; best try to make it homey and comfy. 16:08:39, 2014-08-05
Hospital tip #2: Bring your favorite pillow and blanket from home. You'll be spending a long time in bed; make it homey & comfy as possible. 17:37:43, 2014-08-05
Hospital tip #3: Stockpile snacks. Room service closes at 7PM but you can order bags of popcorn, fruit, & soda against late-night munchies. 19:17:28, 2014-08-05
The nurses have brought me my new best friends. I will name them Morphie and Atvie & we will have a nice picnic on my bed #CopingWithCancer07:44:53, 2014-08-10