Nov 18, 2010 21:39

Title: The Colors of Love
Pairing: OC x Jin Akanishi
Genre: Romance, Humor
Rating: pg-13
Summary: Jin was searching for the right girl when he met a girl he never dreamt would be his type. Though, it's not easy to win a girls heart with all the obstacles and rivals around....Can Jin use his charm to attract the girl of his dream?
A/N: First of all, Happy eid adha to all my friends. I really don't really like writing about Jin with other girls...LOL....but it sort of come to me....No idea for Akame yet~ Just enjoy this fic and give your feedback...


The school bell starts to ring on the second week of school. Students rush to their respective classes and the teachers end their staff meeting.

“Next class would be..?” Koki yawned.

“The subject I hate the most! Math! The teacher is another thing. Can’t we skip class?” Jin complained but Koki just gave him a smile since it’s his favourite subject.

10 minutes had past but there’s no sign of the teacher coming in.  Most of the guys were running around the class and girls are busy chatting with each other. Jin sighs as he sees the attitude of his classmates.


“Look who’s talking,” Kame replies to Jin who’s strumming on the chord of his guitar. Nice melodies come out every time Jin is bored. However he never takes interest in showing off his skill. He just did it when he felt like doing it. Kame and Koki hum along with the melody played by Jin. As Jin strummed the guitar, he looked at the sky and gave out another sigh. Koki suddenly burst out a huge laugh.

“What is it with you today? You keep on sighing and complaining?”

“I thought I was the only one notice it. Jin, tell us if you have any problem,” Although they make fun of each other, they really do care of each other.

Jin stares at Kame and slowly turned his stare to Koki. Then, he sighs again.

“You guys are so amateurs. We have reached a level where we’re supposed to have our first kiss. Unfortunately we don’t even have any girlfriend. Am I the only one thinking about the current problem?” Kame and Koki look at each other and give out another huge laugh. Yamapi and Ryo came up to the boys. Before they could asked any question, Koki explains every details to them which struck out huge laughter.

Yamapi pat Jin’s back, “boy, you sure are funny today. There’re many girls lining up for you. Just pick whichever to be your girl friend. Besides, we’re the ‘heir’ children. We married our parent’s choice of girl. You’ll surely get your first kiss someday.”

“I’m serious. All the girls in this school are not my type...they’re…”

“Morning class. Sorry I’m late. By the way, good news for today. We have two new girls. One is supposed to be with us from the first day but her health is preventing her from joining us last week. Let have them in.”

The first girl who enters has long black hair with fair skin. She has the every-mans’ dream girl look. It turns out, she’s a top student at an elite school before and also the heir of the famous Toda’s Holdings. Her name is Erika. She even has the best manner a lady can have. Then, it’s the other girl’s turn to introduce herself. She was slightly child-like especially with her short hair pinned neatly at the side.

“Hajimemashite. Yuri desu!” Yuri said plainly.

“That’s all you want to say? Any other information?” The teacher asked.

“I don’t think there’s any other necessary information.” Yuri smiled.

The both of them were seated immediately after the introduction. Yuri was seated next to the famous Bakanishi while Erika was seated next to the sharp tongue, Ryo.

Jin looked from head to toe on the girl next to her.

“Haven’t seen a girl before?” Yuri said as their eyes met. Jin shrugs and looked at Ryo who seemed smirking at him.

‘That Ryo, why did he get the best girl!’ Jin murmured to himself.

Throughout the class time, Yuri seemed better than before and Jin kind of enjoyed having her next to him after a week partnering with an empty chair.

Recess time hit the school as the bell sounded. Two of Jin’s classmate, Takeru and Koyama approached Yuri when all the other boys were head over heels on Erika.

“You guys know each other?” Jin asked at the sight of Takeru hugging Yuri.

“Know? We are Eternal friends. We’ve known each other since elementary school. Although she changed to Euphoria High school during junior high, we still hang out with each other.” Koyama said.

“Eupho...ria?!!! That’s like the most elite school for only smart girl! Don’t tell me she’s a smarty!”

Takeru put his arm around Yuri and smiled proudly, “You got that right. She’s the top student last year. Let me tell you something. She’s not only smart. She’s also rich...” Yuri hit Takeru’s head before he could finish his sentence.

“There’s no need to tell about that.”

“Oh, it’s fine...Anyway, she’s the daughter of Matsumoto’s Company. It’s the company that holds half of the Japan’s economy.”

“She seems...”

“Far from the image? I get that a lot. I don’t see the needs to tell anyone about my family. Only my brother is proudly showing off his power around. I don’t understand him at all.”

“Don’t tell me...”

“Her brother is the head of F4, Matsumoto Jun.”

Jin choked his onigiri at the statement. This girl interested him better than he expected. He was known as one of the second generation of the school prince behind F4. F4 was made up of Jun, the leader, Sho, the smartest guy at school, Shun, the prince-like guy and Aiba, the athletic yet funniest guy at the school. The second generation on the other hand comprised of Jin, Ryo, Yamapi and Kame.

“Oi, Bakanishi!” The sharp tongue guy called Jin before he neared the Bakanishi.

“People that says “My hand can kill with only a touch!” in their sleep have no rights to call me Bakanishi!” Yuri laughed hearing the words.

Ryo slapped Jin’s head at the back.

“Seems you guys get along well. Have you had the chance to get to know that beauty?” his hand pointed at Erika.

“Not really.”

“Well, to be honest, she’s so not my type. Getting all giddy around guys like that is just plain bitchy.”

“Don’t go around calling people bitchy!” Yuri said.

Ryo observed the girl in front of him, “She seems interesting.”

“That Yamapi and Koki seems enjoying being with her.”

“That’s their taste of girl.”

“So much for ‘we’re the ‘heir’ child’...” Jin sighed.

non-johnny, multichapter, oc, akanishi jin, fanfic

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