Devilish Prince

Mar 20, 2010 22:09


Character: Matsumoto Jun, Akanishi Jin, Nishikido Ryo, Oguri Shun

Genre: One shot, comedy

Summary: Jin, Jun, Ryo and Shun are the prince yet the devil of the Johnny’s High school. They are often called to the principal office for mischievous things they did especially troubling the school’s principal. They were again called out to the principal’s office. What did they do this time and what pissed Jun so much?

P.S. sorry about the grammatical error and word choice. I’m not that good.

 “Akanishi Jin, Matsumoto Jun, Nishikido Ryo, Oguri Shun…Please proceed to the principal’s office now. If you fail to attend yourself in 5 minutes, you’ll be in big trouble.”

Jin burst out his food towards Ryo who’s choking at the announcement from the office. Jun who’s just about to kiss Mao pulled himself from her and Shun who’s just about to go to the toilet turned back.

“WHAT A NUISANCE!!!!” all of them shout out that the whole class gives them an awkward look.

The four of them met in front of the principal’s office.

“This is the 10th time we’ve been called. Did any of you do any thing without my consent? I almost hit the jackpot.” Jun said in anger. He kicked the trash can next to him.

Jin scratched his head, “what jackpot? Anyway, now my lunch hour is wasted. If there’s nothing important, I’m so going to kill the principal.”

“I was just about to kiss Mao. Do you know how hard it is to kiss her? urghh…Ryo, what’s with your cloth? Your cloth eats?” He smirked at Ryo.

Jin looked at Ryo and gave out a guilty grin. Ryo just sighed ignoring Jun’s smirking.

The door suddenly flew open.

“I’m tired of you guys. Every time, the ones standing in front of my door are you guys, the what-so-called Prince of the school.”

Jun looked at the principal with a discontented look, “What did we do this time around?”

“Asking me? I should be the one asking you guys. Come on in.”

They entered the principal’s office and sit down on the couch. The principal asked them to wait for him inside while he got their files. Jun lazed around the chair while Shun is holding himself from any unwanted incidents. Jin was looking around the office and Ryo went to the mirror to tidy his shirt.

“Jin, stop fooling around. Can’t you just sit down…and don’t touch that lap top of his. Hope this thing will end up quickly so that I can carry out with that kiss,” Jun said.

Jin suddenly laughed which cause each one of them to be surprised.

“Guys! Look what I found!” He showed them a picture of the principal who is drunk with a cute 20 something year old girl.” They all burst into a huge laughter. Jun grabbed his phone and took a photo of that picture.

“What are you doing???? “ Shun asked.

“Shun, you’re good with computers and technologies right?”


“You help me out. Jin and Ryo, stall the principal for at least 10 minutes. Do anything! I’m going to do some revenge! Are you guys in?

They all smile slyly. Jin scratched his head, “What are you going to do?”

“Just a little something. Cropping his drunken face and making it a small revenge gift for him…Now, hurry!”


Jin went out to the principal who was almost arriving at the office with some files on his hands.

“Sensei! Before you come in, I want to tell you something important. I was the one who broke your car window last week. Please let them go. I am willing to take all the blame.”

“About the incident where your cloth is stained with green paint, it was actually my fault. I purposely put the paint on your favorite bench knowing you’ll sit there. I’m sorry. Please don’t tell them about this. It's things we do without Jun’s consent,” Ryo added with a ‘like-I-care’ face. Jin was like, "You did???"
The principal’s face turned red hot. His eyes bulged out like he’s about to eat both of them and his hand trying to grip himself from doing so.

“I…was just about to scold you for uniform issue…That was you two??? DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I HAVE TO PAY FOR THOSE REPAIR COST AND HOW MUCH IS THAT SHIRT? THE SHIRT COST HALF OF MY SALARIES!!!!!” Jin controlled his laughter. Ryo just smirked with the statement. Jin could not control his laughter, decided to bow to hide his laugh, “I’m…Sorry! I really…am” The principal calmed himself down. “I had to throw that shirt away…My beloved shirt…and My car! Do you know how long I was forced to hear my wife babbling about the car?! You both killed me softly!!! Oh god!” Let’s go in, I don’t want people’s eyes to focus on us.” Jin looked at Ryo but Ryo just stood there without moving. The principal looked at him with curiosity. “Why aren’t you entering the room?”

“You still have not promise me that you’ll keep it a secret from Jun and Shun.”

“If they are inside, of course they will know about it. What do I care if they knew about it? Your quarrels are your own problems. Now get in,” The principal looked at him straight to his eyes. Ryo gave out a sigh looked at Jin and wink at him before suddenly do something Jin never thought Ryo would do. Ryo was begging on the principal’s leg crying out loud for the principal’s to keep it a secret. The whole office started to look at him. The principal pulled him up, “alright, we’ll discuss this later. Beside, I have a meeting after this. We’ll settle the uniform matters first today. Just, don’t do this kind of things in front of peoples. You’ll embarrass me.

“Ok. That’s a promise.” Ryo’s face turned to his original ‘whatever’ faces again. Jin could not control his laughter and burst out into huge laughter. Before the principal could say anything, the door suddenly opened, “What took you so long? We have class after this…ugh, shouldn’t teacher show a good example of being punctual?” Jun said arrogantly.
They proceed with the lecture and babbling. They did not give any attention towards the lecture. Jin was still controlling his laughter, Jun kept on looking at his clock, Shun has dozed off and Ryo was dazing off at the window.

“So, you’ll be cleaning the school compound starting today for 1 week. I m looking forward for some changes although I know it’s impossible. See you again next week though, please don’t cause anymore trouble.”

Jun stood up, “Yes. Don’t worry, we’ll be cleaning the school compound wholeheartedly. May we go now?”

“I can’t believe you are changing so fast. You may leave.”

They all leave the office with a smile toward the principal.

“Sometimes, they are quite sweet” He went to his computer to continue his work but he stood shock at the sight of his wallpaper on the desktop. The picture of him drunk with some scribbles on it with words like ‘baka’ and ‘Serves you right’. The door of his room opened revealing Jun’s slyly smiling at him saying, “See you again!” before closing the door.


One of the teachers approached them, “What happen in there?”

They just laughed and said “He must be very overwhelmed with our apology gift.”

non-johnny, matsumoto jun, devilish prince, one shot, akanishi jin, nishikido ryo, fanfic

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