Because So Much Is Riding on Your Tires

Aug 13, 2005 13:25

I saw a Goodyear Tire commercial this morning and I almost choked on my coffee when it struck me that the voice over was Henry Rollins. Let me start by saying I've never been an elitist twit who yells "sell out" when an artist cashes in like this. More fucking power to him. This probably secures his retirement and affords him a nice home on a beach somewhere in which he can finish his days pounding nails into the walls with his own skull in order to hang old photos of himself brawling with white supremecists in alleys after Black Flag shows.

The guy has enough Large Balls credit built up to be the pitch man for The Oxygen Channel without being considered a pussy. It was just an odd thing to digest on a Saturday morning. I've been to a bunch of his spoken word things, most recently at McCabe's in Santa Monica, where he reminded us where he stands: "I don't hate you . . . I hate FOR you." Please don't stop hating for us Henry. Tires. Okay. We all need tires. Why not?

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