May 29, 2003 19:34
Im a little shooken up…ok a freakin lot, I just crashed…I was on the stupid street and I don’t know whybut I let go of the breaks on a stop sign and next thing I now I crashed into another altima in front of me….the lady was nice about it I mean she didn’t make a big deal or anything , the grany on the passenger seat even told me if I was alright. The thing is ive been realy out of it, I mean ive almost crashed all day and then finaly i crashed….and im not even mad or excited or surprised im mellow meshed with a little sadness and a lot of day dreaming. so im between 1/4 zombie and 1/3 not all there wich aparently equals car crashes.
Ok to prove my point this JUST hapend…I wanted to download a song from coldplay so I put the name of the band….wait a while and nothing comes up turns out I put cold place instead, I mean what the fuck! I love coldplay how come I wrote that instead, im realy realy out of i. i also los tmy licence AGAIN, wich is gona cost me like 40$ total.... Honestly I don’t now what to think or feel anymore.