Holy catburgers batman!

Apr 13, 2009 13:42

What a weekend! I swear, too many like that I am not going to make it to 35.

Morton's was awesome. Like it always is. We go there to celebrate really cool things, so they always end up doing some little thing to make it special. On my birthday a few years ago, I had some surgery on my neck to try to relieve the migranes and pain that I have (yes, I have a pain in the neck) and try to keep the swelling down around the broken vertebrae holding my head to my body. Erik felt really bad that I had spent my birthday doing that so when I came to and got some sleep he took me to Morton's. They had a personalized menu and such for me and they even promised not to sing or anything because I hate that. Aww. It was sweet. This time they had a bottle of really limited edition beer that is only brewed for Morton's by Coors and gave us framed picture of us enjoying the beer. Aww. Little things like that make me happy. 30 seconds of effort on their part and I am impressed forever. Not bad.

We ended up spending Friday afternoon shopping for an upgraded speaker system for our surround sound theater setup. We ended up getting a pretty good deal, so I am happy. Friday night was cool. I was a bit disappointed in Funker Vogt. I mean, c'mon! If you are going to fly 4000 miles for a show at least try to look like you want to be there. It was lame. Or maybe I was lame. Who knows. I don't remember them playing my favorite song though (History) but by the end of it I was drunk and bored so I wandered off. I am amazed how fast I get back into record label owner mode. I managed to remember alot of people, what they are doing, and sounded somewhat intelligent talking about it. I guess I am good at this stuff sometimes....

Saturday was a weird day. A really weird day. Went out to dinner with some friends which was fun (I love BD's Mongolian BBQ dearly) and then partied at another friends' house till all hours of the morning. There is some shit a'brewing with people and I tried to be as helpful as I could.

Sunday was recovery day. Watched alot of food network and napped. Then watched Adult Swim and went to bed before midnight.

It's been an emotionally draining few weeks. With some of the stuff my friends are going through and my own mental bullshit it's been....not boring. I am glad that my brain seems to have calmed down. I am not having panic attacks every 10 minutes and can actually get some work done. I hope it stays that way. I want to try to remain sane for Erik and my friends. They are going to need me to be strong and not batshit crazy.
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