I am feeling much better today. I am really looking forward to this extended weekend that
vathan and I are taking. It's going to be a week of kickass.
Thursday-our anniversary. 10 years. Holy crap. Celebrating by getting dressed up and going to Morton's. The reservations just happen to be during happy hour. I wonder how that happened.
Friday-the parent's thing got cancelled, so we decided we were going to see Funker Vogt. I spose I will have to turn in my rivethead card if I don't go see them. Should be fun though.
Saturday-booze and TV with some friends. We have these friends that are TV and weirdness fanatics. So we go over to their house and they have TIVO'ed all the good stuff for us and we sit and get drunk and watch really weird shit. The last time we were there we watched 2 movies. Kabluey (which was really cute and good) and Southland Tales, which I have no idea what it was about. Really. It's that friggin weird.
Sunday-sleep. Blessed blessed sleep.
So yeah. I also need to come up with some extra money. I want to get my predator hair done again and I found a girl who will do it for $170. The thing is, with hair being such a frivolous thing, I would like to not use our budgeted toy payoff money, or our fun money to get it. I think I am going to go through my stuff and see what I can sell instead of donate. Maybe with $20 here or $10 there I can come up with it. Heh, anyone need any yardwork done? Flowerbeds carved? Fishponds put in? I'll do it cheap. I need some fun money. Lol.
Anyway I am happy to have my brain back in my control. It's been a really weird few weeks. I am happy to be back to my normal self, instead of the distracted weirdo I have been. At least my brain isn't racing anymore. Maybe I can relax a bit. Relaxing would be nice.
Also I have a new favorite song. It makes me chuckle.
Plus, I think we are going back to full time next week. Maybe the week after. Holy crap, I think we are gonna make it through this shit!
Let's dance to Joy Division
And celebrate the irony
Cuz everything could go all wrong
But we are so happy