So, this morning in the car, I decided that I'm giving myself until I'm thirty to sort myself out. Which isn't as far away as it used to be. My goals, such as they are:
1. Publish something, preferably Other's Anchors.
2. Ride the Trans-Siberian Railway from St Petersburg to Beijing.
There is also figuring out how me and Catie can be in the same place forever, but I am just listing goals that are solely within my remit here. Presumably that goal would require some level of conversation.
ANYWAY. I am planning to devote my summer to finishing a draft of Other's Anchors (and, you know...thoroughly enoying not being at school). But I would also like to get some short stories in circulation but...I just don't have the flicker of an idea. So, I guess this is a request, of sorts - you know my writing better than anybody, you lot. What would you like to see me write about? Short stories. That's what I need. Like CJ does. She's awesome at this.
Once upon a time, I wrote about all these bloody women. And it never really went anywhere. Sometimes, I think I should dig some of those stories out. Some of them were definitely worth it.
1. The breeze through the open doors during periods 4+5
2. Feeling excited about RP emailing with people.
3. Finishing book 1 of the Fionavar Tapestry. I reread these books so regularly that it makes me feel like I'm going somewhere familiar.
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