This is one of those posts about me (format unashamedly pinched from
traveller). I've had some new people friend me recently and I'm not sure that I've ever done one of these, so this is one of those posts. Hi.
Me: I'm twenty-six. When I was eighteen, I moved to Belfast, Northern Ireland and I was there for seven years but, a year and a bit ago, I moved home. Which is in Birmingham, England. I'm living in my parent's house, in the book-stuffed bedroom that's been mine since I was fourteen. We have two cats, Dory and Nemo (still just kittens). I teach High School English at a comprehensive (read: public) school in a very deprived area a couple of miles from my house. I might complain, but our kids are great. About half of my timetable is Special Ed, which is both rewarding and HILARIOUS in equal measure. I'm tattooed (those are my tattoos up there). I've been medicated for clinical depression since I was nineteen, but I haven't been on my meds in over a year. I have a BA in English and an MA and PhD in Creative Writing. So people call me 'Doctor' but I have yet to figure out what to do with any of that. Most days, I hate my life at least a little, but I muddle on, and I do a lot better than some people. And I realise that.
In this LJ (and
the same name on DW): I am better about talking about my personal life than I used to. Anything about work is taged 'H216'. Lots of fanfiction; my primary fandom is Generation Kill but I dabble and, if I love something, eventually, I'll probably write for it. I RP at
the_blank_slate and, right now, I play a range of fuckups and heroes and fucked up heroes (and one eight year old). I tend to filter RP posts but, every so often, one sneaks through. RP is my primary hobby, and it takes up a lot of my spare time. I bitch a lot about not having the time to write what I want to, but a lot of it is laziness. I feel like I have at least one good sci-fi novel in me. I never really wanted to be a teacher, but I'm good at making do.
I've been good at making do.
I write because I have to. I haven't figured out how to stop yet.
I travel because I have to, too. I've never got any spare money because, whenever I have some time, I take off. Last summer, I spent five week backpacking between various friends couches. My feeling is: there are too many amazing things in the world to spend too long sitting still. Places that I want to go back to: Delhi, Venice, Sydney, Bangkok, New Orleans, Boston. Places that I want to go for the first time: Rome, Oslo, Cairo, Istanbul.
I try my hardest to be conscientious but, sometimes, I drop off the map. I always come back though.
And that's it.
Hi. Welcome. Use this opportunity to tell me something about you, say hi, whatever you like. Ask me anything you want.
Crossposted ( with
comments) at my dreamwidth |
comment at the original entry