TITLE: A Short History of Almost Nothing - 2 - Our Wandering Sorrow
eudaimonPAIRING: Liebgott/Webster
DISCLAIMER: Not mine. Not at all. Fictional representation of the fictional representations of real people.
SUMMARY: Home-comings mean leaving things behind, both places and people. Moving isn't enough.
A/N: 2596 words. This is inspired by the fact that Joe Liebgott disappeared without trace for years after the war ended. It's my first fic for the fandom, and it was written for
andrealyn because she's a wicked enabler. The title of this part is taken from "The Kill", a version of a Rilke sonnet by Don Patterson.
No one could take pity on their breath,
Least of all those men who raised their sights
And in that wakeful moment understood:
Our wandering sorrow takes the shape of death.
Sometimes, it comes back to him, how he had another life before this one...)