Jul 21, 2008 10:56
The last "Last Airbender:
Mm. So Sunday 7.20.08 was the last episode of Avatar: The Last Airbender. It did it's two hour movie thing, and it was the awesome. It was mostly predictable, but then again it's target age group was 6-11...and 20-something dorks who like anime or eastern culture. Go fig. /shrug.
It was a good run, I look forward to the box set, though I already own everything bit the last DVD which comes out like July 29th or something. Now we start the grand waiting scheme... that is to say for M.Night SHamananananadoornob to take and ruin not just 1 Avatar movie, but make a trilogy and fuck them ALL UP!
Things like Transmetropolitin and Y: The Last man... hell Preacher, and ton's of anime like Cowboy Bebop and Samurai Champloo have all come and gone and I've enjoyed every moment of them... still just like Avatar... I am going to miss it, and I'll lament it's pop culture whiplash. Ah well...
all great things...