It's silly to think of the comic scare near the end of WW2 and right in the midst of the red-scare. It's stupid that EVERY FUCKING generation has SOMETHING to blame one SOMETHING. If it's not WAR, then it's comics! Comicbooks make the world degenerate and fall down. NOT scociety as a whole. Not a decay in moral values from parantes that have become disenfranchiesed by war and suffering and who were tired of the humdrum strait lace whitewash of a fake "Stepford Wives" era.
Parents after the 1950s no longer rasied thier children it seems. Well Good parents do, but they are so few and far between.
I just want to point out all the fucking writer and artistic and mental geniouses who grew up in intresting and loving familys with comics and movies and "devil music" art.
Meanwhile the "Goody two shoes" and "God loving blind fuckers" who arnt looking at the world around them (and i mean the dumb people who say you go to hellcuz you dont belive in god, or preach that you are suffering becasue you dont go to church, not the people who belive and just love god and love humanity as a whole).... they are the ones that are part of big oil, big cars, clutching to GUNS and 2000 year old tomes of non-proven wisdome like it's the one true thing keeping them alive.
You want to know what's killing us?
Go try to buy a gun. And be a jerk about it.
Go look at gas prices.
Go look for an electric car.
Go buy non recycled paper.
Throw a can on the street instead of in a recycling bin.
Pay 4dollars for "designer" water.
When somebody asks for help, thumb your nose and walk away from them.
Drive your SUV to work instead of an older smaller gas effecient car or takeing the bus.
Send your kids to Mc'Donalds for lunch and dinner three times a week.
My mother never threw this shit in my face. She just showed me what she lived and belived in and let me make up my own mind.
Why don't I speed?
Why don't I litter?
Why don't I alot of things?
becasue it dosent help anybody. that's why. Why do you do it?