Jun 01, 2010 03:13
next week my friend joy from NY is coming to stay with me for a week.
we've been emailing each other back and forth with logistics and such, and i wrote her a few minutes ago with something that i'd been thinking of: that i live a mile from the bart station, and i walk it all the time at all hours, but that i wasn't sure how i felt about her walking it alone late at night, and that she can and could/should call me if she were ever coming in from somewhere later.
then it occurred to me, after i sent her that, that i had no idea if that was the right thing to say or not.
not that she'll be offended, she knows i love her completely and i'm coming from a good place...but was that overprotective or neurotic or [benevolently] sexist of me? i genuinely don't know. in the past few years, i've been becoming more and more aware of and present to what living inside a 6'7 male body affords me that living in a 5 foot something female body would not. there are true genuine dark malicious weirdos out there, and unfortunately, most of them are of the male persuasion. (or at least the ones who generally pose any kind of immediate viable threat in a physical way) i want to always ensure the ladies in my life are safe and taken care of, but at the same time don't want to step on toes or insult anyone's sense of independence.
ideas? girls, how do you feel about this sorta thing? guys, what sorts of measures do you take to watch out for girls you love and want to make sure are cool and when do you back off?