Cabaret Dancer Sketch
"The Pearl Cabaret always had the very best performers in all of the territories. There was nothing exotic enough for their human zoo. There was no act so perilous that it couldn't be given the benefit of at least one performance. Some remarked that all the dancers needed was a collar and a tag to show them off for the trained animals that they were. Any one of the dancers could have directed you to the strange bar code on the back of their necks to illustrate that they were indeed collared and the cabaret owners did indeed view them as specialized livestock. Despite the popular opinion of how crude and unconscionable this was, it seldom stopped anyone from sneaking into the club to see all the rumored things that caused such controversy. The Pearl Cabaret was the busiest club that everyone proclaimed they never visited..." from OE519
I put this up on my site a few days ago, forgot to include it over here. I'm trying to decide what scene to put her in.
The Scriptorium(c)2009 Bajema