RIP Wireless desktop

Sep 20, 2005 14:34

Apparently, Milk does a body good…but fucks the shit out of your wireless keyboard. Blah, blah to those warnings of the dangers of liquids in the vicinity of computers. I thought by this age I was spill proof,…but perhaps its my simultaneous urge for breakfast inspired nutrition, competing with getting my email/news fix, in those wee- pre-caffeinated -groggy hours of the morning. In any case my fine motor skills had yet to kick in.

I think she is a lost cause, still propped up between two waste baskets, draining. Oddly enough, a good number of the keys still function normally, with some minor exceptions such as:

Pressing the a key, now prints az’.
Pressing the w key calls the redo command, and the x key calls the undo command.

The hardware is salvageable if I can live with out the letters W and X.
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